Raynerv / node-remote

A node server and webpage that uses socket.io to allow clients browsing to the page to use their keyboard and mouse to remotely control the server's display

Home Page:http://beyondoverload.wordpress.com/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

node-remote is a simple web server/webpage pair that allows you to remotely control the disply on the server by browsing to a webpage on any client machine. The page picks up mouse movements and keyboard presses and transmits them to the server via socket.io. Read more at

Start the server with the command node remote-server.js. Note you have to run this command from within the display that you want to be controlling, not a remote session.

Then just have your client browse to port 8000 on the server. Note the client needs to support websockets, so either chrome or firefox is your best bet.


A node server and webpage that uses socket.io to allow clients browsing to the page to use their keyboard and mouse to remotely control the server's display
