A bot designed to determine whether or not users can play any game, given their PC specs.
All commands are assuming the server is using the default prefix ~
Command | Arguments | Result |
@mention | [game] | An embed detailing why a user can/can't play the title given. |
~help | An embed listing all available commands | |
~search | [CPU/GPU/GAME] [query] | Runs a search for the given query. If no hardware is specified, the search defaults to a search for games. |
~setspecs | [CPU/GPU/RAM] [value] | Sets the user's hardware to the given value. The value must be findable using the ~search command. |
~myspecs | An embed detailing the user's specs. | |
~getspecs | [@user] | An embed detailing the given user's specs, if their privacy setting is public. |
~setprivacy | [PUBLIC/PRIVATE] | Sets the user's privacy setting so other users can/cannot view their system specs. |
~compare | [@user] | Compares this user's PC specs to the given user's PC specs. If the given user's privacy setting is private, PC scores will be compared. |
~gameinfo | [game] | Returns any publisher/development information relating to the given game. |
~gamespecs | [game] | Returns the minimum specifications to play the given game. |
~feedback | [text] | Sends feedback to a private channel on the bot's development server. |
~ping | Tests the bot's connection. |
Version management details
Branch | Use |
master | Latest stable build, fewest bugs in newest features. |
development | Latest build in general, used to test and polish features. |
deployed | Currently running build, run using Heroku. |