Raymond-exe / SystemSpecDiscordBot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

System Specs Discord Bot

A bot designed to determine whether or not users can play any game, given their PC specs.


All commands are assuming the server is using the default prefix ~

Command Arguments Result
@mention [game] An embed detailing why a user can/can't play the title given.
~help An embed listing all available commands
~search [CPU/GPU/GAME] [query] Runs a search for the given query. If no hardware is specified, the search defaults to a search for games.
~setspecs [CPU/GPU/RAM] [value] Sets the user's hardware to the given value. The value must be findable using the ~search command.
~myspecs An embed detailing the user's specs.
~getspecs [@user] An embed detailing the given user's specs, if their privacy setting is public.
~setprivacy [PUBLIC/PRIVATE] Sets the user's privacy setting so other users can/cannot view their system specs.
~compare [@user] Compares this user's PC specs to the given user's PC specs. If the given user's privacy setting is private, PC scores will be compared.
~gameinfo [game] Returns any publisher/development information relating to the given game.
~gamespecs [game] Returns the minimum specifications to play the given game.
~feedback [text] Sends feedback to a private channel on the bot's development server.
~ping Tests the bot's connection.


Version management details

Branch Use
master Latest stable build, fewest bugs in newest features.
development Latest build in general, used to test and polish features.
deployed Currently running build, run using Heroku.



Language:Java 100.0%