RawbitDev / E-Scooter_Web_App

Go BRETSCH. Start your eco-friendly ride today! (For more infos visit https://Bretsch.eu)

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Hochschule Darmstadt

πŸ› Fachbereich Informatik - Hochschule Darmstadt

⚠️ Note: This project was developed in the course of a homework for the subject FWE ("Fortgeschrittene Webentwicklung"). This is just a export of the final version. The development took place on the GitLab servers of the Hochschule Darmstadt.

🚩 FWE: BRETSCH - Your booking system for e-vehicles

Table of content

πŸ“‹ About the project

Did you ever have some concerns about air pollution but did not know how you could help? If you did then stop using vehicles which generate a lot of CO2 emissions and start BRETSCHing with our new models of E-vehicles.

At the moment you can book either an E-car or an E-scooter for a fair price. Get yourself a vehicle on the fly through our website app.bretsch.eu. Pick up any vehicle in your vicinity and drop it off at any parking lot.

We are developing company from Germany and in the future we are planing to deliver our services worldwide. Start BRETSCHing to save the earth.

πŸ‘₯ Development

The participants or contributors of this project include:

πŸŽ“ Cimpoes, Vitali GitLab: @istvicimp

πŸŽ“ Cincato, Ricardo GitLab: @istricinc

πŸŽ“ Heymel, Celine GitLab: @istceheym

πŸŽ“ Vogel, Eliah GitLab: @istelvoge

πŸŽ“ Walther, Ramon GitLab: @istrawalt

πŸŽ“ Werner, Niklas GitLab: @istnswern

This project is kindly supervised by T. Sauer / D. Schulz / D. Wohlfarth.

πŸ›  Setup the project

There is barley nothing easier than setting up this project. Just follow this 3 steps and you're ready to go:

  1. Move over to the bretsch-app/bretsch-api/ folder and create a .env file based on the .env.example. For default values use the .env.dist as base. After that repeat this process for the bretsch-app/bretsch-frontend/ folder. Finally mve over to the bretsch-app/bretsch-socket-server/ folder and create a .env file based on the .env.example.

  2. Now head back to the root folder and execute the following command:

    make start

    Alternatively if you can't use make , run:

    docker-compose up

    ❗ IMPORTANT: If you run in any errors concerning the entrypoint.sh files, download the git project as zip and copy entrypoint.sh from the downloaded zip file to the corresponding folders. There are three scripts which have to be replaced: /bretsch-app/bretsch-api/entrypoint.sh, /bretsch-app/bretsch-frontend/entrypoint.sh, /bretsch-app/bretsch-socket-server/entrypoint.sh. This results in a new creation of the files but with the necessary permissions to run them.

    Note: In some cases, the creation of the DB docker is slower than the API docker. This is resulting in the API docker failing to connect to the DB and automatically synchronies the db schema. If this is the case, make sure to restart the project or execute the following command manually as soon as the db is up and running:

    make dbsync

    Alternatively if you can't use make , run:

    docker-compose exec bretsch-api npm run typeorm schema:sync
  3. Thats it, your done, it's as simple as that! Your servers should be running now and got a working connection to the DB. You can verify this by checking the console output, which should tell you something like this:

    You can now view bretsch-frontend in the browser.
       Local:            http://localhost:80
       On Your Network:

    Note: The build process of the frontend could take a few minutes, so please be patient.

Oh and by the way, if you're willing to stop the running server ever again, try executing the following command at the root dir:

make stop

Alternatively if you can't use make , run:

docker-compose down

Alternative Docker setting

In some cases the docker script is not working properly.

Replace in the command -field of the .yml file in the images bretsch-api and bretsch-frontend

that it look like the following:

command: npm start

Next you just have to setup the images like the following:

Create the .env file like eplained aboth

Install npm packages

  • docker-compose run [image name] npm install

In this case the image name will be bretsch-api and bretsch-frontend

Start containers

  • docker-compose up / docker-compose up -d

Sync database schema

  • docker-compose exec bretsch-api npm run typeorm schema:sync

Insert fixtures

  • docker-compose exec bretsch-api npm run fixtures

πŸ” Test the project

So we included two separate options for you to test the project:

1. Testing automatically

This project includes defined automated tests (using jest and cypress). This helps you testing the project easily without spending hours and hours to check every existing route and functionality manually. The already defined api tests are used to test every single route for a minimum of a good and bad path. The frontend tests include component as well as E2E tests.

To run all tests, you have to simply start the servers and execute the following command at the root dir:

make test

Alternatively if you can't use make , run:

docker-compose exec bretsch-api npm run test
docker-compose exec bretsch-frontend npm run test

Depending on the system you're running the tests on, this takes up to a couple of minutes. After that, you're ending up with a detailed overview of the code coverage (which should be at 100%!) and the result of the executed tests (which should tell you that all tests were passed successfully) for the backend. Followed by the test results of the frontend jest tests.

To start the cypress test environment execute the following command at the root dir:

make cypress

Alternatively if you can't use make , move over to the bretsch-app/cypress/ folder and run:

npm i
npm run cypress

Specify what part to test:

If you just want to run the frontend tests, execute the following command at the root dir:

make ftest

Alternatively if you can't use make , run:

docker-compose exec bretsch-frontend npm run test

And if you just wanna run the backend tests, execute the following command at the root dir:

make btest

Alternatively if you can't use make , run:

docker-compose exec bretsch-api npm run test

We could not test the booking of a vehicle in the frontend. For this we need to click the label on the map which is not possible and then also pay it with paypal which is also not possible. Because of this we tested it by hand to make sure our customers are able to book and pay properly. We also could not delete bookings with cypress. Cypress is not able to click this button. It is not in the dom at all in the test environment but it is on the normal Website and the delete button also works fine. After all the frontend tests runed and passed, we deployed them on the ci/cd. Every time we runned it, different tests failed, even if we didnΒ΄t changed the code at all. We are not sure why the pipeline is not working. In the folowing picture you can see all tests passing on our local computer.

All tests working

2. Testing manually

If you willing to test the project, especially the backend, manually or wanna test a specific - not in the predefined test included - case, we recommend using the free and easy to use software Postman. We also included all routes with a simple examples in our Postman Collection we're providing with this project. So feel free to test as much as you want, but keep in mind at some point you're going to run out of coffee!

Note that the predefined postman collection is based on the fixtures also delivered with the project. To add this example fixtures to your database simple execute the following command at the root dir:

make fixtures

Alternatively if you can't use make , run:

docker-compose exec bretsch-api npm run fixtures

πŸ’‘ Frontend Reference

This is a short introduction to the essential functions as well as to some special features. But for most parts, the frontend is very user friendly and self-explanatory. So we keep this Reference kinda short by purpose. Well, then lets start already!

Little Frontend Guide

Okay, so that should be enough for now. As we said, the rest is super easy to understand and shouldn't pose any major difficulties. But If it does, feel free to contact us!

πŸ–₯️ API Reference

This is a simple overview of all routes provided by the API, grouped by their routers and sorted alphabetically.

Note: For further information's including examples on each route, just click their method descriptions.

Route /booking

Method URL
Create booking POST /api/booking/
Delete booking by id DELETE /api/booking/:bookingId
Get booking by id GET /api/booking/:bookingId
Get bookings GET /api/booking/
Patch booking by id PATCH /api/booking/:bookingId

Route /user

Method URL
Register user POST /api/user/
Login user POST /api/user/token
Validate password POST /api/user/checkpwd
Delete user by id DELETE /api/user/:userId
Get user by id GET /api/user/:userId
Get users GET /api/user/
Check if email exists GET /api/user/email/:email
Get bookings by userId GET /api/user/:userId/bookings
Patch user by id PATCH /api/user/:userId

Route /vehicle

Method URL
Create vehicle POST /api/vehicle/
Delete vehicle by id DELETE /api/vehicle/:vehicleId
Get vehicle by id GET /api/vehicle/:vehicleId
Get vehicles GET /api/vehicle/
Get all bookings by vehicleId GET /api/vehicle/:vehicleId/bookings
Patch vehicle by id PATCH /api/vehicle/:vehicleId

Route /vehicletype

Method URL
Create vehicle type POST /api/vehicletype/
Delete vehicle type by id DELETE /api/vehicletype/:vehicleTypeId
Get vehicle type by id GET /api/vehicletype/:vehicleTypeId
Get all vehicle types GET /api/vehicletype/
Get all vehicles by vehicleTypeId GET /api/vehicletype/:vehicleTypeId/vehicles
Patch vehicle type by id PATCH /api/vehicletype/:vehicleTypeId

⚠ Status codes

The following table gives you a simple overview of the used http status codes used by the project and its respective meaning:

STATUS CODE Description
200 OK Indicates that the request has succeeded.
201 Created Indicates that the request has succeeded and a new resource has been created as a result.
204 No Content The server has fulfilled the request but doesn't need to return a response body.
400 Bad Request The request couldn't be understood by the server due to incorrect syntax. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications.
404 Not Found The server cannot find the requested resource.
500 Internal Server Error The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Β© License

MIT license

Copyright 2020 - BRETSCH Development Team <develop@bretsch.eu>

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



Go BRETSCH. Start your eco-friendly ride today! (For more infos visit https://Bretsch.eu)

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 87.7%Language:JavaScript 9.9%Language:Shell 1.6%Language:HTML 0.4%Language:Makefile 0.3%