RatulHasan / xde

The Expo Development Environment

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The Expo Development Environment

Download the latest version of XDE for macOS, Windows, or Linux.

On Linux, open with chmod a+x XDE*.AppImage and ./XDE*.AppImage.

If you have problems with the code in this repository, please file issues & bug reports at https://github.com/expo/expo. Thanks!

Making a New Project

To make a new project, just click the "New" button in the upper left hand corner of the window. Then choose or make an empty directory where you want your project to live and hit OK.

This will setup that directory with a very basic React Native project that will work with Expo and show off some basic but still cool things about React Native.

Viewing a Project on Your Phone

Once you create a new project (or open an existing project), you'll see some log messages that the packager has started and ngrok has started and the URL bar will get populated.

The url that begins with exp://... is the URL you can use to access your project while you're developing it. To view this on your phone, do the following:

  • Go get the Expo app on your Android or iOS device. It's available on the Google Play Store and on the iOS App Store.
  • Go back to the XDE GUI on your computer and put in your phone number or e-mail address into the text box under "Share", then hit the "Send Link" button. This will send a link via e-mail or text message, so make sure you use an address or phone number you can access from your phone.
  • Check your e-mail or texts and tap the link. The Expo app should open and you should be able to view your experience there!

Converting an existing project to work with Expo

React Native apps that don't use native modules can work with Expo. To configure them, you typically need to do a few quick steps:

  • In the directory that contains your React Native JavaScript source code, make sure there is a package.json file. There may already be one, but if not, run npm init to create one.

  • Add Expo to your dependency by running npm install --save expo or yarn add expo if you prefer using yarn.

  • In the directory that contains your React Native JavaScript source code, make sure there is a app.json file that contains at least an expo object with the name (name of your app), slug (friendly url name for publishing) and sdkVersion (version of expo specified in package.json) keys. For example:

  "expo": {
    "name": "myApp",
    "slug": "my-app",
    "sdkVersion": "18.0.0"

Refer to the dedicated section of the documentation for more information.

  • If the entry point of your app is not index.js then add an entry "main" in your package.json and give the filename that is the entry point for your app. Entry point basically means the file that contains the root component of your app.

  • At the bottom of your entry point file, add a line like this:

AppRegistry.registerComponent('main', () => MyRootComponentName);

where MyRootComponentName is the name of your app's root component. There may already be a line like

AppRegistry.registerComponent('MyRootComponentName', () => MyRootComponentName);

Just leave that; it's totally fine to register the same component twice under two different names. Expo by default looks for the main entry.

Now you can open this directory in xde and send the URL to yourself and view what you've made.

Publishing a Project

To publish something you've made, just follow these steps:

  • In XDE, create an Expo account or login to an existing one using the pane on the right of the header.

  • Once you're logged in, open the project directory for the thing you want to publish. The packager should start, etc.

  • Check to make sure you can load your app by sending the link to yourself and opening it in the Expo app.

  • Once everything looks good, hit the "Publish" button. A few seconds later, you should get a clean URL sent to you that points to the exp.host server where your package was published to.

You can publish as many times as you want and it will replace your old version, so don't worry about making a mistake!

Build From Source

  • git clone this repository.
  • git checkout one of the release tags.
  • git pull to make sure it is up to date.
  • Make sure you have Node version 6.2.2 (or compatible). If you don't have it, use nvm to install it. It won't clobber other installations of node you have and you can choose just to use it for installing xde (which is all you need it for).
touch ~/.profile
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.30.2/install.sh | bash

   [Open a new terminal window]

nvm install v6
nvm use v6
  • We use Yarn (https://yarnpkg.com/) to manage dependencies for XDE. Please install it by following directions here: https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install.
  • Install gulp-cli: npm i -g gulp-cli.
  • Go into the xde/ directory where you cloned the Git repo and run yarn.
  • Go into the xde/app directory and run yarn.
  • Once that completes, run yarn start from xde/ to start the GUI.
  • If you get a watchman error, you may need to increase your "max_queued_events" limit. On linux you can find this at /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_queued_events.
  • If you get ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '.../node_modules/electron/path.txt', run cd node_modules/electron && node install.js from xde/. See the issue here: electron-userland/electron-prebuilt#76.


The Expo Development Environment

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 97.6%Language:HTML 2.1%Language:CSS 0.3%