Rattpak / T6SP-Mod-Release

Black Ops II Singleplayer Client Modification

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

T6SP-Mod | Black Ops II Singleplayer Client Modification

How to use

Download the latest T6SP-Mod-Launcher.exe and t6sp-mod.dll and place them in the Black Ops II root folder. Run the launcher executable



  • Internal Developer Console
  • External Developer Console
  • DVARs Unlocked
  • Discord Rich Presence
  • Custom GSC/CSC loading
  • GSC/CSC Dumping and Overriding
  • Mapent Dumping and Overriding
  • Non-Internal Rawfile Overriding
  • Reimplemented Stripped Commands and Features
  • Custom Commands and DVARs
  • Reimplements Certain Game Console Outputs
  • Autoexec config_sp.cfg on game startup
  • Autoexec persistent_sp.cfg on each level change

What This Mod Does NOT Do

  • This mod does NOT enable piracy in any way
  • This mod does NOT bypass any Steam checks

Reimplemented Commands / DVARs

  • noclip
  • god
  • cg_thirdperson
  • r_fog
  • fx_enable
  • dvardump
  • listassetpool
  • version
  • bind/unbind
  • player_sustainAmmo
  • logfile
  • cg_LaserForceOn
  • cg_drawVersion

Custom Commands

  • dvardump_v - A verbose dvardump
  • dumpLua - Dump all loaded LUA files
  • dumpRawfile - Dump all loaded Rawfiles
  • dumpStringTables - Dump all loaded String Tables
  • savepos - Save current player position
  • loadpos - Load saved player position
  • unlink - Unlink the player for any active link
  • saveassetpool Like listassetpool, but saves results to assetpool.txt
  • widget add <dvar name> Create an on-screen widget for the specified DVAR
  • widget remove <dvar name> Remove the on-screen widget for the specified DVAR
  • widget clear Remove all on-screen widgets
  • widget hideall Hide all on-screen widgets
  • widget showall Show all on-screen widgets

Custom DVARs

  • g_dumpscripts <1 or 0> - Dump scripts on next map load
  • g_dumpmapents <1 or 0> - Dump mapents on next map load
  • g_friction <Float> - Adjust friction
  • r_drawskybox <1 or 0> - Toggle skybox rendering
  • r_drawtransparent <1 or 0> - Toggle transparent rendering
  • con_maxSearchResults <2 to 32> - How many commands will show in search box
  • sv_enableBounces<0 or 1> Re-enables the bounce bug from COD4
  • sv_bouncescale <Float> The scale of the bounce
  • noclipSprintScale <Float> The scale of sprint speed in noclip
  • r_drawPathnodes <0 - 2> Draw pathnodes onto screen
  • r_drawStaticModelInfo <0 - 1> Draw nearby static model info
  • r_drawReflectionProbes <0 - 2> Draw reflection probes onto screen
  • r_drawPrimaryLights <0 - 1> Draw primary lights onto screen
  • lui_developer <0 - 1> Prints LUI developer info to console
  • r_drawStaticModels <0 - 1> Toggles the rendering of static models
  • phys_enable <0 - 1> Toggle the rigidbody physics system
  • phys_debug <0 - 1> Toggle the rigidbody physics system debugging info

How to modify game assets

Overriding Game Assets

(Only gsc/csc, mapens, and non-internal rawfiles at the moment)

  • Place assets to override into root/spmod/<path of asset to override>
    • Example: root/spmod/maps/blackout_util.gsc
    • Example: root/spmod/_load.gsc
    • Example: root/spmod/maps/frontend.mapents
    • Example: root/spmod/vision/sp_front_end_menu.vision

Loading Custom Assets

(Only gsc/csc at the moment)

  • Place custom assets in root/spmod/custom/<path to custom asset>
    • Example: root/spmod/custom/maps/modmenu.gsc