Rat431 / small_essay

The educational system in the eyes of a hacker.

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..................................................................The educational system in the eyes of a hacker.................................................................


The school, the public administration, public bodies, local authorities, public authorities - all gathered and the result of an effective extension created by "our" government so that the world works as it has always been expected, for decades and centuries. We can examine our system starting from its starting point, the "school", that is the entrance towards the human social earthly life; source of "repetition" of knowledge stored in books and insertion into the working world place. The school, how it works and how it is observed today, is extremely conceived to work "training" that they too, teachers, nurture and consciously promote. In fact, a current system could not be productive if the way to develop their skills is transmitted to the children rather than making them inferior to the whole existing hierarchical classification, obviously this would upset the entire "work-training" organization. Therefore, due of this "damned" system, the best minds with a tendency to be "peaceful rebels" by bringing 'true' knowledge will automatically be "expelled" from the social system affected by total corruption at any point of "bracket", including the so-called "government bodies" responsible for managing the entire population. Every place depicting the symbol of the government reserves pain and manipulation, manipulation around all the propaganda and various information distributed through the television services dependent on the so-called "news signalers". Each hierarchical class must pass several "steps" before proceeding to the actual communication to the "lower" population about a possible event; often, "we" are aware of what they inform us, we are not aware of how much they do not want to allow some truths to leave their "home" completely covered by gold and aluminum. In this "historical" period what we are experiencing is a pandemic, a pandemic where "it involves" even the most "dirty" man in this society. Obviously, as stated, we know how much information is communicated to us, we do not know how much other information is not communicated to us and "must" not be disclosed according to the "heads" of this hierarchical subdivision considered your "custodians" in order to protect and ensure "your" health.

Over the years, for centuries, human beings - like every biological being - must "predominate" the surrounding environment in order to allow the correct functioning of his life cycle, known as the basis of the biological functioning; in fact, the body of each person is made up of cells in continuous reproductive activity. Additionally, having the common goal of the "next" living being literally offers the sense of selfishness and self-centeredness against another living creature: nutrition, pleasure in reproduction, sleep etc. Nutrition itself is technically based on the "demolition" of another biological being: both of an "animal" nature and of a "vegetable" nature. The pleasure of reproduction is perhaps the most mysterious element that can be ever known, it also includes a big sense of selfishness where there are the so-called "sexual fantasies". The life of the body is equivalent to the loss of life of others with reference to other living species. Unfortunately, the intellectual faculties of the human being do not contribute to the improvement of this "massacre" so that, obviously, people begin to perceive the need for a regulation devised by your "commanders" because, for the reasons mentioned, humans are not able to assert the "common sense" which, theoretically, should symbolize the real meaning of "civilization"; internal "civilization" instead of the external civilization. So, here, we are at the point where the whole concept of "humanity" drops in every measure.

The "school", a clearly organized place to provide the insertion of new generations within the socio-working system; the same is comparable to the entrance to a labyrinth where, once you have crossed the border, there will be no way to get out from it. The mind of all adolescents works on the principle that life equals survival, survival equals nourishment and reproduction, nourishment equals materialism, money (which of course are obtained by doing a job) and so on leaving out the true sense of importance by limiting their current thinking to what is easy to understand. In a way, the term "shallow" makes it easier for me to explain the meaning of this. Thanks to the aforementioned "mechanism", every single sign of self-esteem/self-respect pertaining to children/boys is abolished, forcing them to be members of a gear without even daring to hinder it, aside of whether it can serve to improve it positively; if it happens, you punish them severely - with your means of blackmail - now frustrated and "blinded" by the existing beliefs: I often meet a boy / girl suffering with desperation, shedding tears, crying and suffering for a punishment inflicted by your "public administrations ", this shows how much their self-esteem has been "knocked down" since their "brain" has been influenced by common thinking as long as it is necessary for them to obtain a "success", a positive feedback and, in case a belief is questioned, they will have to accept that they are a "failure"; additionally, all of this imparts power and obligation to give "trust" to those who perform such a system. Of course, this process occurs when the person's mind has been "indoctrinated" with the popular teachings, which, unfortunately, are useful teachings for survival in a social context as mentioned above.

Nowadays, nowadays the "system" uses state-of-the-art technological tools for communication and for mass dissemination; "thanks" to the phenomenon of the pandemic, these entities meant to the training are definitely addicted to technology: computers, smartphones, printers and even televisions of which you keep up to date with all the "fake" information. The smartphones, the smartphones that allow you to send your "text messages" contain every single piece of information about your identity: your name, your age, your sex, your residence, your movements, your access credentials and your loved ones up to the deepest intimate information. The tools with which you constantly "play" are truly skilled "confessors": they do not lie, they do not "smile", they do not "speak", they do not "look" - but they "listen" to you. Trusting feelings to distant people through them is exactly like asking a child to keep the dirty facts in his private family, to lie for you. Technology is the only tool that does not lie unlike its imaginary "master". When the time comes, all the more "secret" conversations will be divulged by those skilled "tamers" you know as "hackers"; who knows, maybe some "top-secret" information will get leaked kept hidden from you by these government agencies; the origin of the new coronavirus, for example; where they claim to be the "fruit" of nature and its randomness; who knows. If the darkest mystery is placed in the light, we, you will be able to face reality, watching the true faces of those people we rely on every day. The school could be defined as the entrance to a labyrinth where everything is connected to each other, like a large "rope" that gradually "branches" into tiny cables: without the school - no government; without government - no school; without job - no school; without school - no job and so on. So a whole chain where each element is necessary for the presence of the other and, taking this into consideration, it is impossible to consider the school as a source of knowledge towards openness to a deeper life.

Probably one day, far away, "school" will no longer be related to the whole "training-working" system and we will finally be able to call it "school": a momentarily imaginary place where one is taught to appreciate love for one's neighbor, a place where money and materialism are put aside, a place where hidden talent is "externalized" starting from the current knowledge without "inducing" the knowledge developed by others with the aim of preparing, training your "operators" - both mentally - and physically. Even if the fault of this whole rotten world is "yours" and "yours" alone, there is a part in you that is aware of it and that deeply agrees to my reflections, but there is nothing you can do to heal from this society "virus" unless you change your "philosophy". It is quite important to be able to know, at least, the world you are a part of, to open your eyes in the morning and ask yourself: "But where am I, who am I, why do I do what I do? What do I do?".

Now that technology is taking over there are likely to be those who will hinder the continued advancement of the entire government organization by spreading, for years, ignorance and monetization instead of the most essential aspects and furthermore depriving people of inner freedom. Personally, I believe and hope it will happen soon.

I would like to close my "essay" with the teaching of a great well known master about everything that was stated, which is: "A good teacher does not teach you the poetry, a good teacher teaches you to become a poet".

Thank you,



The educational system in the eyes of a hacker.