Set Up:
- Spawn an AWS EMR 6.3.1 cluster - Big data stack should have Spark.
- Spawn a m5.xlarge / m5.2xlarge Ubuntu18.04 VM on AWS.
Prerequisites Setup on AWS EMR:
- ssh to AWS EMR cluster master node using
'ssh -i xx.pem hadoop@ip-address' - Copy to this node, as well as the private key to Remote server where the CSVs are located.
- Run 'chmod +x'
- Run './'
- Change Driver memory in spark-deafults.conf to 15GB to avoid OOM errors in file '/usr/lib/spark/conf/spark-defaults.conf'.
Prerequisites to Setup ElasticSearch DB and configure table schema on m5.xlarge / m5.2xlarge VM
- ssh to VM
- Copy '' to the VM
- Run 'chmod +x'
- Run './'
Airflow Scheduling:
- '' automates fetching tar files from Remote server, untar them and run pyspark application @daily.
- Make sure sqlite3 has version > 3.15.0. AWS EMR default image may have older sqlite version.
- Steps to Run:
Copy, / to AWS EMR cluster at '/home/hadoop/' and 'home/hadoop/'.
Set these variables: ip = 'ip-address-remote-server' pvt_key_name = '/location/to/private-key.pem' user = 'username' fileName = '2013-07-01.csv.gz'
Run the file by 'python'
Pyspark application: '' processes partial CSV and '' processes complete CSV. It expects the jar is untar-ed and sitting in the same folder.
To run either:
- Copy this file to AWS EMR master node at '/home/hadoop/'.
- Setup these varaibles:
"es.nodes", "x.x.x.x" //public-ip of ES Node
"es.port" , "9200"
CSV file Name - '2013-07-01.csv' on line 18 - Run 'spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode client'
This pyspark file does:
- It will read csv file and record the index where <“date”,”time”> pattern is matching using regex.
- It will divide the csv file into text blobs based on the above indices and convert it into partitioned dataFrame.
- The partitioned dataFrame will go through an UDF parser, which will parse each text blob and convert it into a structured format Hash(19 fields+ 1 field for shard routing region).
- The partitioned DataFrames are brought back to driver executor where the “headline”, “text” fields are converted to English Language using Spark-NLP.
- The resultant dataFrame is saved to Elasticsearch into ThomReuters/ table
This application takes time to run. Keep patience!