RaresCode / JobsScrapers-Extended

Scraping of the jobs available and adding them all in one place at peviitor.ro

Home Page:https://peviitor.ro/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Job Scrapers for Peviitor.ro

This project aims to streamline the process of gathering job details, including job title, city, country, and link, and subsequently integrating them into the peviitor.ro. This initiative leverages the power of Python and incorporates essential libraries like bs4 (Beautiful Soup) and requests for web scraping.

In addition to web scraping, this project also utilizes Selenium for web automation. The test results are logged, and HTML reports are generated to provide comprehensive insights.


This project encompasses the following primary objectives:

  • Enhanced Accessibility: Facilitate easier access to job listings for a wider audience by extracting data from various company websites and seamlessly integrating it into peviitor.ro.

  • Data Validation Testing: Conduct thorough testing of the scrapers to validate that the scraped data aligns precisely with the information available on peviitor.ro.


The project incorporates the following key features:

  • BeautifulSoup4 (bs4): A Python library for web scraping purposes, allowing for efficient extraction of data from HTML and XML files.
  • Requests: A popular Python library for making HTTP requests, essential for fetching web page content.
  • Selenium: Used for web automation, enhancing the capabilities of data extraction.
  • Logging: Test results are logged to provide a record of execution.
  • HTML Reporting: Comprehensive reports are generated for detailed insights of the testing process execution
  • Pytest: A testing framework for Python that facilitates efficient and scalable testing.
  • API Testing: In-depth testing of API Responses to increase data accuracy and reliability.
  • Multiple Assertions: Rigorous validation of multiple data points to ensure comprehensive accuracy.
  • Data Validation: The project emphasizes the importance of verifying scraped data against the information available on peviitor.ro.

Selenium Test Run with parallelism


Selenium Test Run without parallelism


HTML Report

For detailed insights into the test results, an HTML report is generated, providing a comprehensive overview of the scraping process.

selenium run


To get started with the project, follow these steps:

  • Install and Configure Python 3: Ensure you have Python 3 installed and properly configured on your system.
  • Set Up Your IDE: Prepare your preferred Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for working on this project.
  • Import Cloned Repository as Project: Clone the repository and import it into your IDE as a new project.
  • Add Folder Path to PYTHONPATH: Include the path of the project folder in the PYTHONPATH variable in your environment settings.
  • Install Required Packages: Use the following command to install all the necessary packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Running Tests: Execute the tests by running the following command:


Scraping of the jobs available and adding them all in one place at peviitor.ro


License:MIT License


Language:HTML 50.6%Language:Python 48.3%Language:CSS 1.1%