RaquelDiazMar / Born2beroot

From 42 Madrid Cursus, this repository goes around a System Administration related exercise.

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From 42Madrid Cursus, this repository goes around a System Administration related exercise.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just as everyone else.
Margaret Mead

Mandatory Part

VirtualBox Installation

For this part, just refer to Oracle VM VirtualBox and follow the instructions after downloading the virtualization product.

Notice that @42Madrid, there are space constraints related to this preliminary process. Then, most likely, installation through storage/goinfre/intra_name might be the best solution even though later on the work performed is bound to that iMac (choose carefully and learn to love it).
It shall be advisable to update the folder permissions: sudo chmod 777 born2beroot_folder/
Last, refer to UTM site for the virtualization software created for macOS and only for Apple platforms.

Debian Installation

Let's go step by step for this part (if in doubt, refer to cursus project subject.pdf):

  1. Download Debian
  2. Open your previously installed VirtualBox:
    WARNING!: remember that subject requests setting up a server with the minimum services, which is, no graphical interface here. 2.1. asjhdf


  1. Installation Go to root and its environment through this command:

$ su -

$ apt install sudo

$ dpkg -l | grep sudo. # to verify sudo was successfully installed

  1. Adding user to sudo group

$ adduser sudo
$ getent group sudo # to verify that the user was successfully added
$ reboot
login: Password: $ sudo -v.
[sudo] password for : # to verify sudo capability $ sudo apt update

  1. Configuring sudo group requirements

$ sudo vi /etc/sudoers.d/. # shall not end in ~ or contain any .
NOTE: Vi Editor with Commands in Linux/Unix Tutorial
Defaults passwd_tries=3 # to limit authentication using sudo to 3 attempts in the event of an incorrect password;
Defaults badpass_message="" # to add a custom error message in the event of an incorrect password;

$ sudo mkdir /var/log/sudo # to log all sudo commands
Defaults logfile="/var/log/sudo/"

Defaults log_input,log_output
Defaults iolog_dir="/var/log/sudo" # to archive all sudo inputs&outputs to /var/log/sudo

Defaults requiretty # to enable TTY
Defaults secure_path="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin" # to restrict the sudo paths to the ones in the subject


  1. Installing and configuring SSH

$ sudo apt install openssh-server

$ dpkg -l | grep ssh. # to verify succesful installation
$ sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Replace 13 #Port 22 with 13 Port 4242
and also 32 #PermitRootLogin prohibit-password with 32 PermitRootLogin no

$ sudo service ssh status # to check SSH status or systemctl ststus ssh

Further references:

Bonus Part

Extra references:


From 42 Madrid Cursus, this repository goes around a System Administration related exercise.