RanitManik / JavaScript-SuperSimpleDev

This repository is a compilation of various web development projects and assignments from SuperSimpleDev javascript course.

Home Page:https://youtu.be/SBmSRK3feww?si=Xove-7ZiaON37l6D

Repository from Github https://github.comRanitManik/JavaScript-SuperSimpleDevRepository from Github https://github.comRanitManik/JavaScript-SuperSimpleDev

JavaScript Full Course by SuperSimpleDev


This repository comprehensively composes various web development projects and assignments from the SuperSimpleDev javascript course. It serves as a valuable resource for individuals who are interested in enhancing their skills and knowledge in the field of web development. The course included in this repository covers a wide range of topics, allowing learners to practice and apply their understanding of JavaScript concepts. Whether you are a beginner looking to get started with web development or an experienced developer seeking to expand your skill set, this course offers a wealth of engaging and informative projects that will help you in your journey toward becoming a proficient web developer.

Table of Contents


# Topic Brief Description Status
0 Intro Introduction to the course and its objectives. Completed
1 JavaScript Basics Fundamental concepts and syntax of JavaScript. Completed
2 Numbers and Math Working with numbers and mathematical operations. Completed
3 Strings Manipulating and working with text strings. Completed
4 HTML CSS Review, console.log Review of HTML and CSS, introduction to console.log. Completed
5 Variables Understanding and using variables in JavaScript. Completed
6 Booleans and If-Statements Working with boolean values and conditional statements. Completed
7 Functions Introduction to functions and their usage. Completed
8 Objects Exploring JavaScript objects and their properties. Completed
9 Document Object Model (DOM) Understanding the DOM and its interaction with HTML. Completed
10 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Together Integrating HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in web development. Completed
11 Arrays and Loops Working with arrays and using loop structures. Completed
12 (Part 2). Arrays and Loops Advanced concepts in arrays and loop structures. Completed
13 Advanced Functions Exploring advanced concepts and techniques in functions. Completed
14 (Part 2). Advanced Functions Continuing advanced topics in functions. Completed
15 Projects and Ending Culmination with practical projects and course conclusion. Completed

Getting Started

To start your journey in Javascript, follow these steps:

  • Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/RanitManik/JavaScript-SuperSimpleDev.git
  • Add This repo as Remote:

    git remote add origin https://github.com/RanitManik/JavaScript-SuperSimpleDev.git
  • Create and Switch to Your Branch:

    git checkout -b YourBranchName
  • Push your changes to this branch:

    git push --set-upstream origin DEV/{your_name}/{in which you're working on}

Course Link

Explore the video tutorials for this course by SuperSimpleDev on YouTube:


Social Media Username Link
Email ranitmanik.dev@gmail.com Email
LinkedIn Ranit Manik LinkedIn
Instagram ranit_manik_ Instagram
Facebook RanitKumarManik Facebook
Twitter RANIT_MANIK Twitter


I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the development of this course and the associated materials. Special thanks to the SuperSimpleDev community for their support and feedback.

Happy coding!


This repository is a compilation of various web development projects and assignments from SuperSimpleDev javascript course.



Language:HTML 82.4%Language:JavaScript 16.7%Language:CSS 1.0%