RandomRhythm / Web_Log_Deobfuscate

Deobfuscate various encodings that can be found in web logs.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Deobfuscate various encodings that can be found in web logs.

Web-Log-Deobfuscate can be used to deobfuscate files containing hex (0x), ASCII, Unicode percent encoded characters, and interpreted CHAR()/CHR() commands. The output will contain decoded text further revealing web attacks such as SQL injection. Input the log file and the script will output the deobfuscated log at the specified path.


-h, --help show this help message and exit

-i STRINPUTFPATH, --input=STRINPUTFPATH (Path to log file that will be deobfuscated)

-o STROUTPUTFPATH, --output=STROUTPUTFPATH (Deobfuscated log output file path)

-l, --loginteresting Write interesting log entries identified with encoding to a .interesting file)


process_logs.py -i .\Example_Logs\access.log -o .\Example_Logs\access.log.processed -l


Deobfuscate various encodings that can be found in web logs.


Language:Python 100.0%