This is an extremely naive proof-of-concept. It will render polygons and lines from GeoJSON files into 256x256px mercator tiles suitable for overlaying on Google Maps (or Bing Maps, MapQuest, Yahoo Maps, OpenLayers or Tile5 or Polymaps or Modest Maps). There is no spatial indexing so every feature is drawn for every tile. Node.js is single-threaded so without workers or child processes this can only render one tile at a time. Go ahead, laugh. Data is loaded from GeoJSON files so large data sources aren't possible (v8 doesn't like evaling or JSON.parsing 100MB files) I'm experimenting with simple caching to disk which currently seems to break (but not straight away). Contributions welcome! It would probably tidy this up a lot to factor out the rendering into its own reusable file and handle URL matching, static files etc with Connect or Express. For reasons that aren't entirely clear to me, I didn't use my existing javascript canvas map rendering code [1]. It would be nice to integrate these two projects and have some code that could work on client or server depending on your needs. My hacky JS shapefile project [2] might also be relevant, there are a few more canvas rendering ideas in there. 1. 2. This is the first time I've used npm to manage a project, it's not published yet though, I'm still digesting everything it can do: