Rajpratik71 / SentiMap

Web app for realtime sentiment analysis and mapping of tweets.

Repository from Github https://github.comRajpratik71/SentiMapRepository from Github https://github.comRajpratik71/SentiMap


Web app for realtime sentiment analysis and mapping of tweets.

Initial Configuration

This application requires both Redis and MongoDB. In order to run it you'll need to download each and then start both mongod and redis-server.

You'll also need to configure both python files, and the JavaScript file plot.js.


First install all dependencies:

pip install nltk numpy sklearn gensim pymongo setproctitle

Then download the NLTK stop words file as described in the documentation.

>>> import nltk
>>> nltk.download()

Next you'll need to sign up for Twitter API access credentials by registering for an application, then filling in your Twitter Oauth credentials in the variables:

access_token = "ACCESS_TOKEN"
access_token_secret = "ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET"
consumer_key = "CONSUMER_KEY"
consumer_secret = "CONSUMER_SECRET"

The same is necessary for the Bing Translator API. Head over to the Azure Marketplace and register for authorization credentials, then subscribe to the Translator dat a product if you want to access the translation features of the streamer so that you can handle multiple languages. (NOTE: The Bing Translator API only allows for 2,000,000 characters per month for the free tier.)

When you are finished you should supply your access credentials via the variables:

client_ID = "CLIENT_ID"

Finally you'll need to download the Google Word2Vec Training Vectors, extract the binary file, and place it in static/Data/.

Run Stream_Mod.py to initialize the database and start classifying and storing tweets.


Install dependencies:

pip install redis flask pymongo

Start SentiMap.py to run the flask server. The web server will run by default on localhost:5000.


When you want to start, first run Stream_Mod.py to set up the database structure and start listening for tweets (this will take a while to start, because the Google vectors binary file is large and takes a while to load into memory). After you've started Stream_Mod.py you can move on to starting SentiMap.py.


Web app for realtime sentiment analysis and mapping of tweets.

License:MIT License


Language:CSS 55.3%Language:JavaScript 30.9%Language:Python 7.8%Language:HTML 6.0%