A full-stack application that lets you select your desired tourist location and book your stay as per the availability.
- git clone https://github.com/RajAdwaita/application
- cd travel
- npm i --legacy-peer-deps
- Login / Signup Facility
- One can act as the admin through his personal account and at the same time be the customer for the listings hosted by other people.
- Add your place to our lists and the other customers will be able to see the listings.
- Select the range of dates and number of people and your desired location.
- Amount will be displayed as per the rate charged by the owner.
- Cancel your booking anytime you want.
This application will enable an individual to book their hotels comfortably as per their needs and requirements, for as long as they want and also for a reasonable price, as listed by the owner of the residence. An individual may also set up his property for listing so that others may view and book it.
This application, lets you book a hotel or residence where you wish to stay, for a selected duration, and a price as listed by the owner. The location can be anywhere in the world. A user may set up his residence for rent. If someone books your residence, it will display the bookings, and the owner may also delete the listing as per his choice.
Build using typescript, mongoDB, Prisma.
Setting up the Prisma DB and connecting it to MongoDB for backend functionality, was a bit tough and I am still yet to host the wntire application.
The whole application is running smoothly on localhost.
Using PrismaDB using CLI to set up the backend for this project.
Hosting the application and making it ready for users.