RainbowHerbicides / gitops101

GitOps 101

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GitOps 101


Make sure you have a GitHub account set up and visit the trainings environment URL provided in the slide deck.

First, fork this repo and clone it:

git clone https://github.com/USERNAME/gitops101.git 

Set up Flux

Install Flux in the Kubernetes cluster:

cd gitops101

kubectl apply -f ./flux/

Download fluxctl from github.com/fluxcd/flux/releases and make it executable. For example, for Linux:

curl -L -o fluxctl https://github.com/fluxcd/flux/releases/download/1.15.0/fluxctl_linux_amd64
chmod +x fluxctl

Get the Flux operator's public key:

./fluxctl identity

Next, configure your GitHub repo with above public key (under Settings -> Deploy keys).

Now, edit flux/flux-deployment.yaml to change/add:


And make sure changes are reflected:

kubectl apply -f flux/flux-deployment.yaml

Example flows

Now GitOps away:

cp examples/podinfo-dep.yaml deploy/kubernetes
git add deploy
git commit -m "adds new deployment to cluster"
git push origin master

Wait for some 5min until you see the podinfo deployment and pod:

watch kubectl get pods,deploy

Other things to try:

  • Manually delete a deployment (kubectl delete deploy/podinfo)
  • Scale the podinfo deployment to 3 replicas
  • More via https://github.com/bricef/gitops-tutorial (the tutorial here is a stripped down version of this one)


GitOps 101

License:Apache License 2.0