Raileanv / index_blog

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Here is the test:

Build an RoR API app that should cover:

  1. User
  • Registration
  • Authentification
  • Email confirmation
  • Recover account
  1. Article
    • Create
    • View one article + comments
    • View articles
    • Edit
    • Delete(soft)
    • Create
    • View
  3. Categories
    • View all
  1. User:
    • avatar(image)
    • first_name
    • last_name
    • email
    • password
  2. Article
    • title
    • description
    • cover (image)
    • tags
    • category
    • author
  3. Tag
    • name
  4. Category
    • name
  5. Comment
    • value
    • user
What needs to be done:
  • API documentation (Readme + (Swagger or Postman)
  • Dockerized app (the app should run in docker/docker-compose)
  • The DB should be PostgreSQL
  • The confirmation email should be sent 5 seconds after the user was registered (we should see it in the sidekiq UI)
  • 90% test coverage
  • Create seeds for the DB with 10k users and 20k articles, 3 categories
  • avatar and cover should be uploaded to S3
  • Articles can be published or hidden
  • Tags should be created when an article is created/all downcased characters/unique
  • Emails should have a template HTML version
  • Users can edit/delete only their articles
  • Search articles by [author, category, tags, title(we can write a few words from the title and should match), created_at date] + pagination (default=10 items per page but we can change it in the request)
  • comments also should have pagination (default 25 records per page)
  • site admin can ban authors from the app and they will not be able to authenticate
  • site admin can remove author ban
  • We should be able to rollback the article[all fields] to the last 5 versions ex: v1(created): title: Lorem ispum dollor v2(edited): title: Lorem ipsum dollor v3(current version): title: Lorem ipsum dol

from this example, we should be able to roll back the article to v1 or v2.

  • Implement Comments rating and sort comments by rating in the article
  • Please archive(zip) your work and reply to this email.

** Let's keep in mind that this API will get big and/or your code will need to be isolated/improved. **

If you have any questions please let me know.

Good luck!

RoR API Application

This is a Rails API application that provides functionalities for users and articles, including authentication, CRUD operations for articles, comments, and more.

Docker Setup


Docker & Docker Compose Installation & Running the App

unzip and cd into the project directory

Setup Database:

docker-compose run api rails db:setup

Build and run the Docker Image:

docker-compose up --build

API Endpoints

Postman collection you can find in the root directory of the project, in directory postman.

Setting Up Postman Environment

To make the most of the API endpoints, you'll need to set up your Postman environment with the necessary variables.

In the environment, you'll need to add the following variables:

api_v1_base_url: The base URL for your API's version 1 - http://localhost:3000/api/v1. base_url: The base URL for your API - http://localhost:3000. auth_token: The authentication token you receive after signing in. This will be used for endpoints that require authentication. To add a variable:

Using Variables in Requests: When creating or editing a request in Postman, you can use the variables by wrapping them in double curly braces. For example:

URL: {{api_v1_base_url}}/articles Headers: Authorization: Bearer {{auth_token}} Postman will automatically replace the variable placeholders with their corresponding values from the selected environment.


User Authentication

using base_url

Sign Up:

Method: POST Endpoint: /users/tokens/sign_up Headers:

  • ApiKey: Bearer [API_KEY]


  • email: User email [String]
  • password: User password [String]
  • first_name: User first name [String]
  • last_name: User last name [String]
  • avatar: User avatar [File]

Sign In:

Method: POST Endpoint: /users/tokens/sign_in Body:

  • email: User email [String]
  • password: User password [String]

Token Info:

Method: GET Endpoint: /users/tokens/info Headers:

  • Authorization: Bearer [AUTH_TOKEN]


using api_v1_base_url


Method: POST Endpoint: /articles Headers:

  • Authorization: Bearer [AUTH_TOKEN]


  • title: Article title [String]
  • description: Article description [String]
  • status: Article status [enum: hidden, published]
  • category_id: Category ID [Integer]
  • tag_list: Comma-separated list of tags [String]
  • cover: Article cover [File]


Method: PUT Endpoint: /articles/:id Headers:

  • Authorization: Bearer [AUTH_TOKEN]


  • title: Article title [String]
  • cover: Article cover [File]
  • status: Article status [enum: hidden, published]
  • tag_list: Comma-separated list of tags [String]


Method: DELETE Endpoint: /articles/:id Headers:

  • Authorization: Bearer [AUTH_TOKEN]

List All Articles:

Method: GET Endpoint: /articles Headers:

  • Authorization: Bearer [AUTH_TOKEN]


  • page: Pagination page number (default: 1)
  • query: Search query [String]
  • start_date: Start date for filtering [Date]
  • end_date: End date for filtering [Date]

View Single Article:

Method: GET Endpoint: /articles/:id Headers:

  • Authorization: Bearer [AUTH_TOKEN]


Create Comment:

Method: POST Endpoint: /articles/:article_id/comments


  • Authorization: Bearer [AUTH_TOKEN]


  • value: Comment content [String]

Like Comment:

Method: PUT Endpoint: /articles/:article_id/comments/:comment_id/like Headers:

  • Authorization: Bearer [AUTH_TOKEN]

Dislike Comment:

Method: PUT Endpoint: /articles/:article_id/comments/:comment_id/dislike Headers:

  • Authorization: Bearer [AUTH_TOKEN]

List All Comments for an Article:

Method: GET Endpoint: /articles/:article_id/comments Headers:

  • Authorization: Bearer [AUTH_TOKEN]


  • page: Pagination page number (default: 1)

Article Versions

List All Versions for an Article:

Method: GET Endpoint: /articles/:article_id/versions Headers:

  • Authorization: Bearer [AUTH_TOKEN]

View Single Version:

Method: GET Endpoint: /articles/:article_id/versions/:id Headers:

  • Authorization: Bearer [AUTH_TOKEN]

Rollback to a Specific Version:

Method: POST Endpoint: /articles/:article_id/versions/:id/rollback Headers:

  • Authorization: Bearer [AUTH_TOKEN]


List All Categories: Method: GET Endpoint: /categories Headers:

  • Authorization: Bearer [AUTH_TOKEN]


Ban User:

Method: PUT Endpoint: /admin/users/:id/ban Headers:

  • Authorization: Bearer [AUTH_TOKEN]

Unban User:

Method: PUT Endpoint: /admin/users/:id/unban Headers:

  • Authorization: Bearer [AUTH_TOKEN]



Language:Ruby 89.4%Language:HTML 10.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.5%