Raidus / postgresql_cluster

PostgreSQL High-Availability Cluster (based on "Patroni" and "DCS(etcd)"). Automating deployment with Ansible.

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PostgreSQL High-Availability Cluster 🐘 💖

PostgreSQL High-Availability Cluster (based on "Patroni" and "DCS(etcd)"). Automating deployment with Ansible.

This Ansible playbook is designed for deploying a PostgreSQL high availability cluster on dedicated physical servers for a production environment. Сluster can be deployed in virtual machines for test environments and small projects.

This playbook support the deployment of cluster over already existing and running PostgreSQL. You must specify the variable postgresql_exists='true' in the inventory file. Attention! Your PostgreSQL will be stopped before running in cluster mode. You must planing downtime of existing databases.

❗ Please test it in your test enviroment before using in a production.

You have two options available for deployment ("Type A" and "Type B"):

[Type A] PostgreSQL High-Availability with Load Balancing


To use this scheme, specify with_haproxy_load_balancing: 'true' in variable file vars/main.yml

This scheme provides the ability to distribute the load on reading. This also allows us to scale out the cluster (with read-only replicas).

  • port 5000 (read / write) master
  • port 5001 (read only) all replicas
if variable "synchronous_mode" is 'true' (vars/main.yml):
  • port 5002 (read only) synchronous replica only
  • port 5003 (read only) asynchronous replicas only

❗ Your application must have support sending read requests to a custom port (ex 5001), and write requests (ex 5000).

Components of high availability:

Patroni is a template for you to create your own customized, high-availability solution using Python and - for maximum accessibility - a distributed configuration store like ZooKeeper, etcd, Consul or Kubernetes. Used for automate the management of PostgreSQL instances and auto failover.

etcd is a distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system. etcd is written in Go and uses the Raft consensus algorithm to manage a highly-available replicated log. It is used by Patroni to store information about the status of the cluster and PostgreSQL configuration parameters.

What is Distributed Consensus?

Components of load balancing:

HAProxy is a free, very fast and reliable solution offering high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications.

confd manage local application configuration files using templates and data from etcd or consul. Used to automate HAProxy configuration file management.

Keepalived provides a virtual high-available IP address (VIP) and single entry point for databases access. Implementing VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol) for Linux. In our configuration keepalived checks the status of the HAProxy service and in case of a failure delegates the VIP to another server in the cluster.

PgBouncer is a connection pooler for PostgreSQL.

[Type B] PostgreSQL High-Availability only


This is simple scheme without load balancing Used by default

To provide a single entry point (VIP) for databases access is used "vip-manager".

vip-manager manages a virtual IP (VIP) based on state kept in etcd or Consul. Is written in Go. ©️ Cybertec Schönig & Schönig GmbH


RedHat and Debian based distros (x86_64)

Minimum OS versions:
  • RedHat: 7
  • CentOS: 7
  • Ubuntu: 16.04
  • Debian: 8

✅ tested, works fine: Debian 9/10, Ubuntu 18.04, CentOS 7.6/7.7/8.0

PostgreSQL versions:

all supported PostgreSQL versions

✅ tested, works fine: PostgreSQL 9.6, 10, 11, 12

Ansible version

This has been tested on Ansible 2.7.10 and higher.


This playbook requires root privileges or sudo.

Ansible (What is Ansible?)


  • linux (Operation System):

Update your operating system on your target servers before deploying;

Make sure you have time synchronization is configured (NTP). Specify ntp_enabled:'true' and ntp_servers if you want to install and configure the ntp service.

  • DCS (Distributed Configuration Store):

Fast drives and a reliable network are the most important factors for the performance and stability of an etcd cluster.

Avoid storing etcd data on the same drive along with other processes (such as the database) that are intensively using the resources of the disk subsystem! Store the etcd and postgresql data on different disks (see etcd_data_dir variable), use ssd drives if possible. See hardware recommendations and tuning guides.

Overloaded (highload) database clusters may require the installation of the etcd cluster on dedicated servers, separate from the database servers.

  • Placement of cluster members in different data centers:

If you’d prefer a cross-data center setup, where the replicating databases are located in different data centers, etcd member placement becomes critical.

There are quite a lot of things to consider if you want to create a really robust etcd cluster, but there is one rule: do not placing all etcd members in your primary data center. See some examples.

Deployment: quick start

  1. Install Ansible to the managed machine
Example: install latest release using pip

pip install ansible

  1. Download or clone this repository

git clone

  1. Go to the playbook directory

cd postgresql_cluster/

  1. Edit the inventory file
Specify the ip addresses and connection settings (ansible_user, ansible_ssh_pass ...) for your environment

vim inventory

  1. Edit the variable file vars/main.yml

vim vars/main.yml

Minimum set of variables:
  • proxy_env # if required (for download packages)


  http_proxy: http://proxy_server_ip:port
  https_proxy: http://proxy_server_ip:port
  • cluster_vip
  • patroni_cluster_name
  • with_haproxy_load_balancing 'true' (Type A) or 'false'/default (Type B)
  • postgresql_version
  1. Run playbook:

ansible-playbook deploy_pgcluster.yml



See the vars/main.yml, system.yml and (Debian.yml or RedHat.yml) files for more details.

Scaling: add a new node to an existing postgres cluster

After you successfully deployed your PostgreSQL HA cluster, you may need to scale it further.
Use the add_pgnode.yml playbook for this.

❕ This playbook does not scaling the etcd cluster.

During the run this playbook, the new nodes will be prepared in the same way as when first deployment the cluster. But unlike the initial deployment, all the necessary configuration files will be copied from the master server.

  1. Add a new node (or subnet) to the pg_hba.conf file on all nodes in your cluster
  2. Apply pg_hba.conf for all PostgreSQL (see patronictl reload --help)
Steps to add a new node:
  1. Go to the playbook directory
  2. Edit the inventory file

Specify the ip address of one of the nodes of the cluster in the [master] group, and the new node (which you want to add) in the [replica] group.

  1. Edit the variable files

Variables that should be the same on all cluster nodes:
with_haproxy_load_balancing, postgresql_version, postgresql_data_dir, postgresql_conf_dir.

  1. Run playbook:

ansible-playbook add_pgnode.yml


Please note that the original design goal of this playbook was more concerned with the initial deploiment of a PostgreSQL HA Cluster and so it does not currently concern itself with performing ongoing maintenance of a cluster.

You should learn each component of the cluster for its further maintenance.

Disaster Recovery

Involves a set of policies, tools and procedures to enable the recovery or continuation of vital technology infrastructure and systems following a natural or human-induced disaster.

A high availability cluster provides an automatic failover mechanism, and does not cover all disaster recovery scenarios. You must take care of backing up your data yourself.


Patroni nodes are dumping the state of the DCS options to disk upon for every change of the configuration into the file patroni.dynamic.json located in the Postgres data directory. The master (patroni leader) is allowed to restore these options from the on-disk dump if these are completely absent from the DCS or if they are invalid.

However, I recommend that you read the disaster recovery guide for the etcd cluster:

PostgreSQL (databases)

I can recommend the following backup and restore tools:

Do not forget to validate your backups (for example pgbackrest auto).


Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Vitaliy Kukharik (PostgreSQL DBA)

Feedback, bug-reports, requests, ...

Are welcome!


PostgreSQL High-Availability Cluster (based on "Patroni" and "DCS(etcd)"). Automating deployment with Ansible.

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 100.0%