Rahulkumawat786 / meal.planner

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Meal Planner


  1. nodejs
  2. expressjs
  3. mongodb

to run the application create a config.env file

  1. Assign the port numer on which you want to run server (eg: PORT = 3000)
  2. Assign MongoDb connection Link (eg. CONNECTION_URL = mongodb:/localhost:27000)
  3. run the server usign npm start command and mongodb server
  4. open browser and type https://localhost:3000/mealplanner to start the application (3000 is port number)

testing API for different request

  1. To create food item in data base - post request POST: https://localhost:3000/mealplanner/fooditems (body: json data of food item for more details about you go through use dummuy data)
  2. To create meals in database POST: https://localhost:3000/mealplanner/meals
  3. To create users in database POST: https://localhost:3000/mealplanner/users
  4. To update meals PATCH: https://localhost:3000/mealplanner/meals/:id (id: parameter to find meal to update)
  5. To update user PATCH: https://localhost:3000/mealplanner/users/:id (id: parameter to find user to update)
  6. To create mealplans POST: https://localhost:3000/mealplanner/mealplans
  7. To get All users list GET: https://localhost:3000/mealplanner/users
  8. To get Food Item using given calorie value GET: https://localhost:3000/mealplanner/selectfood/:calorie (calorie: calorie value)

ER Diagram for Schema design




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