Project contains CRUD APIs /account/<seller-id>
for seller credentials, API /sync-shipment/<seller-id>
to sync shipments from
server and API
to list shipments from local server. It also provides functinality to automatically sync shipments after initial
sync is completed.
Django (DRF), Celery, Redis, MySql database
Project has two apps, Account
takes care of CRUD APIs for seller credentials.
POST -> Create
GET -> Retrieve
PUT -> Update
DELETE -> Delete
app is being used for sync and list shipments based on seller id recevied from API as paramtere.
Install MySql server
Create database with name - bolo
Create user with name - bol_client
Set password -> bol
Install redis server.
After setting up database, createt virtual enviorment, actiavate it and install requirements by -> pip install -r requirements.txt
Create db tables in db using python3 makemigrations followed by python3 migrate
Start celery and bear worker by celery -A bol beat --loglevel=info
Start local server by python3 runserver