RafeyIqbalRahman / Qiskit-Textbook

This repository houses the complete PDF file of the textbook "Learn Quantum Computing using Qiskit" by the Qiskit Community team and IBM Research.

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  1. Prerequisites

0.1 Python and Jupyter Notebooks

0.2 Linear Algebra

  1. Quantum States and Qubits

1.1 Introduction

1.2 The Atoms of Computation

1.3 The Unique Properties of Qubits

1.4 Writing Down Qubit States

1.5 Pauli Matrices and the Bloch Sphere

1.6 States for Many Qubits

  1. Single Qubits and Multi-Qubits gates

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Quantum Gates

2.3 Fun with Matrices

2.4 The Standard Gate Set

2.5 Proving Universality

2.6 Basic Circuit Identities


Set 1. Classical Logic Gates with Quantum Circuits

Set 2. Basic Synthesis of Single-Qubit Gates

Set 3. Building the Best AND Gate

  1. Quantum Algorithms

3.1 Quantum Teleportation

3.2 Deutsch-Josza Algorithm

3.3 Bernstein-Vazirani Algorithm

3.4 Simon's Algorithm

3.5 Quantum Fourier Transform

3.6 Quantum Phase Estimation

3.7 Grover's Algorithm

  1. Quantum Algorithms for Applications

4.1 Simulating Molecules using VQE

4.2 Solving combinational optimization problems using QAOA

4.3 Solving Satisfiability Problems using Grover's Algorithm

  1. Investigating Quantum Hardware Using Qiskit

5.1 Calibrating Qubits with OpenPulse

5.2 Introduction to Quantum Error Correction using Repetition Codes

5.3 Measurement Error Mitigation

5.4 Randomized Benchmarking

5.5 Measuring Quantum Volume

  1. Implementations of Recent Quantum Algorithms

6.1 Variational Quantum Linear Solver


This repository houses the complete PDF file of the textbook "Learn Quantum Computing using Qiskit" by the Qiskit Community team and IBM Research.

License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal