Rafael Parzeller's repositories
In this Project I used a pretrained YOLO Model to detect objects on images, videos and in realtime via webcam.
I created this project as part of my Master's degree. It is about object recognition using ultrasound data. The data set was provided by the university. It was ultrasound data recorded from five different objects.
In this Project I train YOLO to detect objects of my own dataset.
Streaming of a USB-Camera in a Django-App with OpenCV
Just a summary for myself to store some helpfull websides for learning Data Science and Python Django
Training and implementation of a Machine Learning Model in a Python Django-App.
Capture Videos and Images in Python with OpenCV
I created this project as part of my Master's degree. It is about semantic segmentation using transfer learning. A custom data set was created to recognise different things. The segmentation worked, but the data set was still too small for more accurate results.