Authors: Carla Mendes Rafael Pereira
[] Feed with school assignments (exams, projects, teachers messages), instead of checking several websites
[] Calendar with the assignments (gets a warning 3 weeks before)
[] Grades tracker for each subject
[] Course average grade calculator
[] Focus Zone (To Do Lists & Pomodoro sessions)
[] Subjects chats to share resources and study in group
Assignments Feed with Carla Mendes
[ ] - Decidir tecnologias (tanto para cliente como para servidor)
Timestamps is always necessary.
List of Entities.
- Persons (Id [PK], Email)
- Administrators
- Users
- Teachers
- Students
- Posts (Id [PK], Owner [FK - User], Room [FK - Room], Content, Documents 1-N [FK - Document], Type ['M','A','G'], Date [Nullable] //se for do Type 'A')
- Documents (Id [PK], Path, FullPath, Type)
- Channels (Id [PK], Owner [FK - User] //por exemplo Coordenador da cadeira ou Estudante, ,Title, Description, Type [Boolean] //0 - Study, 1 - Subject)
- Rooms (Id [PK], Room [FK - Channel], Title, Description)
- StudyRoom (Id [PK])
- SubjectRoom (Id [PK], Weight [Nullable]) //Componente TP-PL
- Grades (Id [PK], Value, Student [FK - Student], SubjectRoom [FK - SubjectRoom], Notes)
- Notes (Owner [FK - Users], Title, Description, Status [Boolean], Category [FK - Category])
- Category (Id [PK], Owner [FK - Users], Name)
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