RafaelMariscal / inbox-website

Company website built using Typescript, NextJs, React-Hook-Form, Zod, Google-ReCatchaV3, Radix-Ui, Framer-Motion and Tailwind

Home Page:https://inboxrefeicoes.vercel.app/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Inbox Refeições Website

If interested, here somo quick links to Access the Figma Project and to Access the Website.

Getting Started


Cloning the Repository

$ git clone https://github.com/RafaelMariscal/inbox-website

Installing dependencies

$ cd inbox-website
$ npm install

Project start

$ npm run build
$ npm start

Development version

$ npm run dev


You can send how many PR's do you want, I'll be glad to analyse and accept them! And if you have any question about the project...

Email-me: rafaelmariscal@outlook.com

Connect with me at LinkedIn.


Company website built using Typescript, NextJs, React-Hook-Form, Zod, Google-ReCatchaV3, Radix-Ui, Framer-Motion and Tailwind



Language:TypeScript 98.8%Language:CSS 1.0%Language:JavaScript 0.2%