RafaelAugustScherer / trybe-exercises

Exercises and notes made during the Trybe Course

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Trybe Exercises

This repository includes all exercises and notes made during the Trybe Course. Further & detailed notes can be found at Notion

Web Development Fundamentals ✔️

  • 1.3: Web Development Fundamentals
  • 1.3: Introduction - Unix & Shell
  • 1.3: Unix & Bash - Part 1
  • 1.4: Unix & Bash - Part 2

  • 2.1: Git & GitHub - What is it and what for
  • 2.2: Git & GitHub - Understanding the commands
  • 2.3: Internet - Understanding how it works

  • 3.1: Introduction - HTML & CSS
  • 3.1: HTML & CSS: Page Structures
  • 3.2: HTML & CSS: First Steps in CSS
  • 3.3: HTML & CSS: Selectors and Positioning
  • 3.4: HTML Semantic
  • 3.5: Project - Lessons Learned

  • 4.1: Introduction - JavaScript
  • 4.1: JavaScript - First Steps
  • 4.2: JavaScript - Array & For loop
  • 4.3: JavaScript - Programming Logic and Algorithms
  • 4.4: JavaScript - Objects and Functions
  • 4.5: Project - Playground Functions

  • 5.1: JavaScript - DOM and Selectors
  • 5.2: JavaScript - Working with elements
  • 5.3: JavaScript - Events
  • 5.4: JavaScript - Web Storage
  • 5.5: Project - Art with Pixels
  • 5.6: Project - Task List
  • 5.7: (Bonus) Project - Meme Generator
  • 5.7: (Bonus) Project - Guess The Color
  • 5.7: (Bonus) Project - Mysterious Card

  • 6.1: HTML & CSS - Forms
  • 6.2: JavaScript Libraries and CSS Frameworks
  • 6.3: Introduction - CSS Flexbox
  • 6.3: CSS Flexbox - Part 1
  • 6.4: CSS Flexbox - Part 2
  • 6.5: Responsive CSS - Mobile First
  • 6.6: Project - Trybewarts

  • 7.1: JavaScript ES6 - let, const, arrow functions and templates literals
  • 7.2: JavaScript ES6 - Objects
  • 7.3: Unitary Tests in JavaScript
  • 7.4: Project - JavaScript Unitary Tests

  • 8.1: JavaScript ES6 - Introduction to Higher Order Functions
  • 8.2: JavaScript ES6 - Higher Order Functions - forEach, find, some, every, sort
  • 8.3: JavaScript ES6 - Higher Order Functions - map and filter
  • 8.4: JavaScript ES6 - Higher Order Functions - reduce
  • 8.5: JavaScript ES6 - spread operator, rest parameter, destructuring and more
  • 8.6: Project - Zoo Functions

  • 9.1: Asynchronous JavaScript and Callbacks
  • 9.2: JavaScript Promises
  • 9.3: Project - Shopping Cart

  • 10A.1: Jest - First Steps
  • 10.2: Jest - Asynchronous Tests
  • 10.3: Jest - Simulating Behaviors
  • 10.4: Project - Asynchronous Jest and Mocking

Front-end Development ✔️

The Course has been re-organized, and one Block from Fundamentals was integrated within another. For this reason there are 2 Tenth Blocks.

  • 10B.1: Introduction - Front-end
  • 10B.1: Introduction - React
  • 10B.1: 'Hello, world!' in React!
  • 10B.2: React Components
  • 10B.3: Project - Movie Cards Library
  • 11.1: Components with State & Events
  • 11.2: Forms in React
  • 11.3: Project - Tryunfo
  • 12.1: Life Cycle of Components
  • 12.2: React Router
  • 12.3: Project - TrybeTunes
  • 13.1: Agile Methodologies
  • 13.2: Project - Frontend Online Store
  • 14.1: RTL - First Steps
  • 14.2: RTL - Mocks & Inputs
  • 14.3: RTL - Testing React Router
  • 14.4: Project - Tests in React
  • 15.1: Intro to Redux - Application's Global State
  • 15.2: Using Redux in React
  • 15.3: Using Redux in React - Practice
  • 15.4: Using Redux in React - Async Actions
  • 15.5: Tests in React-Redux
  • 15.6: Project - Trybe Wallet

Block 16: Trivia Game Project ✔️

  • 16.1: Project - Trivia Game
  • 17.1: React's Context API
  • 17.2: React Hooks - useState & useContext
  • 17.3: React Hooks - useEffect & customized Hooks
  • 17.4: Project - StarWars Datatable w/ Context API & Hooks
  • 18.1: Project - Recipes App

Back-end Development ✔️

  • 19.1: Introduction to Back-end
  • 19.2: Creating & Manipulating Images in Docker
  • 19.3: Orchestrate Containers w/ Docker Compose
  • 19.4: Project: Docker Todo-List
  • 20.1: Introduction - Relational Database
  • 20.2: Finding Data in a Database
  • 20.3: Filtering Data
  • 20.4: Manipulating Tables
  • 20.5: Project: All For One
  • 21.1: Most used functions in SQL
  • 21.2: Simplifying JOINs
  • 21.3: Transforming ideas into a database model
  • 21.4: Live Class + Project - One For All
  • 22.1: Node.js - A JavaScript Engine
  • 22.2: Node.js - Asynchronous Flux
  • 22.3: Mocha, Chai & Sinon - Back-end Tests With Node.js
  • 22.4: Express - HTTP with Node.js
  • 22.5: Express - Middlewares
  • 22.6: Project - Talker Manager
  • 23.1: Software Architecture - Model Layer
  • 23.2: Software Architecture - Controller & Service Layer
  • 23.3: Web Architecture - Rest & Restful
  • 23.4: Software Architecture - Testing Layers
  • 23.5: Project - Store Manager
  • 24.1: ORM - Application interface with database
  • 24.2: ORM - Associations
  • 24.3: JWT - JSON Web Token
  • 24.4: Testing APIs w/ Integration Tests
  • 24.5: Project - Blogs API
  • 25.1: Infrastructure - Deploy w/ Heroku
  • 25.2: Deploy Docker & Heroku
  • 25.3: Project - Stranger Things
  • 26.1: Introduction to TypeScript
  • 26.2: Static Typing & Generics
  • 26.3: TypeScript + Express
  • 26.4: Project - Trybe Smith
  • 27.1: Introduction to Object Orientation
  • 27.2: Heritage & Interfaces
  • 27.3: Polimorphism
  • 27.4: SOLID - Introduction & Principles S, O and D
  • 27.5: SOLID - Principles L and I
  • 27.6: Project - Trybers and Dragons

[Block 28: Project - TFC - Trybe Futebol Clube ✔️]

  • 28.1: Project - TFC - Trybe Futebol Clube
  • 29.1: NoSQL - Introduction
  • 29.1: MongoDB - Introduction
  • 29.2: Filter Operators
  • 29.3: Query Operators
  • 29.4: Simple Updates
  • 29.5: Complex Updates - Arrays
  • 29.6: Project - Commerce
  • 30.1: MongoDB & MSC Architecture
  • 30.2: MongoDB & OOP
  • 30.3: Project - Car Shop

Block 31: Project - Delivery App ✔️

  • 31.1: Project - Delivery App

Block 32: MasterClass - VPS, CI/CD ✔️

  • 32.1: Day One - VPS
  • 32.2: Day Two - CI/CD

Computer Science ✔️

  • 33.1: Learning Python
  • 33.2: Data Input and Output
  • 33.3: Tests
  • 33.4: Project - Job Insights
  • 34.1: OOP in Python
  • 34.2: Design Patterns - Iterator, Adapter, Strategy
  • 34.3: Design Patterns - Decorator, Observer, Factory
  • 34.4: Project - Inventory Reports
  • 35.1: Network Architecture, Tools & Security
  • 35.2: Data Scraping
  • 35.3: Project - Tech News
  • 36.1: Alogrithms Complexity
  • 36.2: Recursion & Problem Solving Strategies
  • 36.3: Order & Search Algorithms
  • 36.4: Project - Algorithms
  • 37.1: Computer Architecture
  • 37.2: Arrays
  • 37.3: Nodes & Chained Lists
  • 37.4: Queues & Piles
  • 37.5: Project - TING - Trybe Is Not Google
  • 38.1: Hashmap & Dict
  • 38.2: Set
  • 38.3: Project - Restaurant Orders


Exercises and notes made during the Trybe Course


Language:JavaScript 73.6%Language:HTML 16.9%Language:CSS 4.8%Language:TypeScript 4.3%Language:Shell 0.3%Language:Python 0.1%