RafaLinaresMolina / FSD-BookingDentistApp

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Rest API for appointment app for a Dental Clinic

This is a project to introduce the use of nodejs, express, mongooose and mongodb.

Where to test the demo

-> https://appointment-dentist.herokuapp.com/

A bit of background

This is an example of a backend for an appointment app for a dental clinic.

We have 3 roles for user: Client, Dentist, Admin. The Client can see the previos appointments and create new ones in 'pending' state The Dentist can see previos appointments from a certain Client, see own history of appointment. Also and create new appointments and change the status of them. The Admin can do All the previous stuff and elevate o revoke roles of the users. also can logout any user on the app.

Data Structure

Users collection: contains all the users in one collection, the backen know by roleId which type of user id [Client, Dentist, Admin]. Appointments collections: contains all the info for the appointments between Client and Dentist.

Software needed

  • nodejs lts (at the time, version 12.19.0)
  • mongodb service running
  • mongoose for manage the acces to DB and define models.

Get the repo

Install dependencies

  • npm i

Add the configuration

  • Add the .env file with the next variables:
    • MONGO_USER: User for acces the cluster
    • MONGO_PASS: Password fo the previous user
    • MONGO_CLUSTER: The cluster name
    • MONGO_DB: The DAtaBase name
    • PORT: The port for express
    • MINIMUM_LEVEL_LOG: Log has 5 levels: Error, Warning, Debug, Info, Data. Setting this limits the levels showed. Log example
      • Error: display the message in red, level 0: used for display message from crashes.
      • Warning: display the message in orange, level 1: used for minor mistakes (like search an user by a wrong id and return empty resource)
      • Debug: display the message in blue, level 2: used for keep the executing flow.
      • Info: display the message in light blue, level 3: Used for trivial information like 'Server is runing on Port...'
      • Data: display the message in light green, level 4: Used for display data from request.
    • SECRET_AUTH_JWT: Secret for Jwt generation

How to run it.

  • npm run start

The endpoints

We have this prefixes:

  • /clients: for actions that can manage the clients

    • post /appointment [logged] -> Client create an appointment with 'pending' status
    • delete /appointment [logged] -> Client cancell the appointment
    • put /account [logged] -> Client modify the account data.
    • delete /account [logged] -> Client deactivate the account. Also cancel all the appointments without status 'done'
    • get /appointments [logged] -> Client visualize all of his appointments.
    • post /appointmentsbetweenDates [logged] -> Client visualize all of his appointments between the given dates.
  • /dentist: for actions that can manage the Dentists

    • post /appointment [logged, mustBeDentist] -> Dentist create an appointment for a Client
    • put /appointment [logged, mustBeDentist] -> Dentist modify the info on the appointment
    • put /appointment/cancel [logged, mustBeDentist] -> Dentist Cancel the appointment
    • put /appointment/confirm [logged, mustBeDentist] -> Dentist Confirm an appointment
    • put /appointment/done [logged, mustBeDentist] -> Dentist end an appointment
    • delete /appointment [logged, mustBeDentist] -> Dentist Cancel the appointment
    • put /account [logged, mustBeDentist] -> Dentist edits his account
    • delete /account [logged, mustBeDentist] -> Dentist deactivate his account. Also cancell all of his appointments without status 'done'
    • get /appointments [logged, mustBeDentist] -> Dentist visualize all of his appointments
    • post /appointments/user [logged, mustBeDentist] -> Dentist visualize all the appointments from a Client
    • post /appointmentsbetweenDates [logged, mustBeDentist] -> Dentist visualize all of his appointments between the given dates.
  • /admin: for actions that can manage the Admins

    • post /appointment [logged, mustBeAdmin] -> Admin create an appointment between a Dentist and a Client
    • delete /appointment [logged, mustBeAdmin] -> Admin cancel an appointment
    • put /appointment [logged, mustBeAdmin] -> Admin edit the appointment data
    • put /appointment/confirm [logged, mustBeAdmin] -> Admin confirm an appointment
    • put /appointment/done [logged, mustBeAdmin] -> Admin end and appointment
    • put /account [logged, mustBeAdmin] -> Admin edit his account
    • put /account/user [logged, mustBeAdmin] -> Admin edit other user account info
    • delete /account [logged, mustBeAdmin] -> Admin deactivate his account
    • put /roles/client [logged, mustBeAdmin] -> Admin change the given user role to Client
    • put /roles/dentist [logged, mustBeAdmin] -> Admin change the given user role to Dentist
    • put /roles/admin [logged, mustBeAdmin] -> Admin change the given user role to Admin
    • post /appointments/dentist [logged, mustBeAdmin] -> Admin visualize all the Dentist's appointments
    • post /appointments/client [logged, mustBeAdmin] -> Admin visualize all the Clients's appointments
    • post /appointmentsbetweenDates [logged, mustBeAdmin] -> Admin visualize all of his appointments between the given dates.
    • get /users/logged [logged, mustBeAdmin] -> Admin visualize all the logged users.
    • post /users/kickuser [logged, mustBeAdmin] -> Admin kick the logged user.

Things i will add

  • A bloody swagger file
  • Unit-Testing
  • Refactor



Language:JavaScript 100.0%