Radule6 / chuck-norris

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Chuckster's Joke Factory

Chuckster's Joke Factory is a web application built with Node.js and TypeScript. It allows users to register, login, and fetch random Chuck Norris jokes from an API.

Development Practices

  • Developed using Node.js and TypeScript.
  • Database: MongoDB and Mongoose
  • Tested with Jest for unit testing.
  • Followed best practices with ESLint for code quality.
  • Code formatting maintained with Prettier for consistency.

Table of Contents


To run the Chuck Norris Jokes Generator locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Radule6/chuck-norris.git
  2. Install the project dependencies:

    cd chuck-norris/backend
    npm install
  3. Configure the environment variables:

    • Rename the .env-example located in the backend folder file to .env.
    • Update the necessary environment variables such as API keys, database connection details, etc.
  4. Start the application:

    npm run dev
  5. Open your web browser and access the application at http://localhost:8000.


  • User Registration: Users can create a new account by providing their email and password. They will receive a confirmation email to verify their account.
  • Login: Registered users can log in to the application using their email and password.
  • Email Confirmation: After registration, users will receive an email with a confirmation link to activate their account.
  • Fetch Jokes: Once logged in, users can fetch random Chuck Norris jokes from the API with a single click.


  1. Register: On the registration page, provide your email and choose a password to create a new account.
  2. Email Confirmation: Check your inbox and click on the confirmation link to activate your account.
  3. Login: Use your registered email and password to log in to the application.
  4. Fetch Jokes: Once logged in, click on the "Fetch Joke" button to retrieve a random Chuck Norris joke from the API.


Home Page Caption: Home page where the user can log in and register to the system Login Page Caption: The login page where users can enter their credentials to log in. Register Page Caption: The register page where users can enter their credentials to register to the system. Dashboard Page Caption: The dashboard page where users can get Chuck Norris jokes.


If you have any questions or feedback regarding this project, please feel free to reach out:



Language:TypeScript 50.2%Language:HTML 19.9%Language:JavaScript 15.2%Language:CSS 14.7%