RaVbaker / rflak

Simple wrapper for http://flaker.pl API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

== rflak

rflak is simple gem to use flaker.pl API. flaker.pl is polish microblogging website. For more information
please visit http://flaker.pl.

You can simply user two classes Flaker and Traker. Flaker class can fetch all entries scoped with
conditions described in flaker's API. You can check API http://blog.flaker.pl/api described in polish.

  Flaker.fetch('user') do |flak|
    flak.login 'seban'
    flak.limit 2
    flak.tag 'ruby'

With Traker class it is possible to fetch entries from traker
service. You can visit http://flaker.pl/traker to see traker in your browser.

  Traker.fetch do |traker|
    traker.url 'http://blog.sebastiannowak.net'
    traker.limit 20

User operations

Authenticate user by login and API key.

  user = User.auth('my_login', 'my_api_key')
  # user authenticated
  user.nil? == false
  # user not authenticated
  user.nil? == true

Create new entry, only authenticated user can post new entry

  user = User.auth('my_login', 'my_api_key')
  Entry.create(user, { :text => "My super text" }

Get user's tags, bookmarks, followers and following users:


Bookmark entry. Only authorized user can bookmark entry.

  entry = Flaker.fetch('show' { |f| f.entry_id(123456) }
  user = User.auth('my_login', 'my_api_key')
  entry.bookmark(user) if user

Add comments to some entry:

  entry = Rflak::Flaker.fetch("show") { |f| f.entry_id '2725807' ; f.comments true }.first
  user = Rflak::User.auth('my_login','my_api_key')
  entry.comment(user,'my comment here')
  # or
  Comment.create(entry, user, 'my comment here')
  # or
  Comment.create(entry.id, user, 'my comment here')


Simple wrapper for http://flaker.pl API
