RWTH-HPC / sx-aurora-offloading

Documentation for Sotoc and the SX-Aurora Offloading Toolchain.

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SX-Aurora Offloading

This repository contains the documentation for sotoc and the SX-Aurora TSUBASA OpenMP Offloading toolchain.

How to update the documentation?

To update the existing text simply add your modifications to the corresponding MarkDown file in the docs directory. After pushing the changes to git the CI pipeline will deploy the documentation page.

How to add new pages?

To add pages to the documentation two steps have to be done. First add the new page in valid MarkDown to the docs directory. Second add the new file to the nav element in the mkdocs.yml config file.

  - Home: ""
  - "User Guide":
      - "Writing your docs": ""
      - "Styling your docs": ""
  - About:
      - "License": ""
      - "Release Notes": ""

After pushing the changes to git the documentation page will be automatically deployed.

How to update variables (e.g., version numbers etc.)?

Version numbers and such should be defined as variables (macros). This can be done in mkdocs.yml in:

    llvm: %%llvm%%
    rpm: 1.8.0

In the documents variables are inserted by adding e.g., {{ link.llvm }} or {{ version.rpm }}.

  • Attention: {% raw %} and {% endraw %} have to be used to encapsulate segments, in which no replacements should be performed. (e.g., Code blocks with {{}} in one line)

How to add Doxygen?

Adding Doxygen has to be done manually, using doxybook2. After downloading the software and building the Doxygen XML run:

 doxybook2 --input doxygen/xml --output docs/internal/doxygen/ --config doxybook/config.json --templates doxybook/template

With the config and template folder are located in the doxybook directory.

Special syntax


Admonitions are coloured blocks of text:

!!! note
    Your Text

Notes will be coloured blue.

!!! warning
    Your Text

Warnings are orange.

!!! danger
    Your Text

And danger is coloured red.

Others are available (see Material Docs).

These blocks can be made collapsible by changing !!! to ??? for folded by default or ???+ for expanded by default.

Fenced code blocks

To add a code block use the following syntax.

``` <language>
Your Code goes here

Line numbers can be added by appending linenums="1"

``` <language> linenums="1"
Your Code goes here

Lines can be highlighted with hl_lines="2 4 6" for a selection of lines or hl_lines="2-5" for a range.

External files can be embedded using --8<-- "code.c" inside a code block.

Inline Code

Inline code can be added like such:

` <code>`

syntax highlighting can be added by providing the language

`#!<language> <code>`

Linking pages and media

To link to another page use:

[Link Text](

To add an image use:



Adding --8<-- "includes/" to the bottom of a page adds abbreviation support to the page using the glossary provided in includes/


Documentation for Sotoc and the SX-Aurora Offloading Toolchain.