RV12R / DeIns


Home Page:de-ins.vercel.app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DeIns / VInsure

Web3 space is getting flooded by hacks and scams, Projects having great insights and future are getting struck by technical and financial mishap. We provide financial security to projects working on Web3 ecosystem by creating a pool and spreading the risk. Projects will be needed to deposit some funds on a policy contract that amount will be determined by valuating the project by a professional team, we will provide the best security services to projects and users by getting all the best auditing teams and security providers into one place. Common users will be educated on avoiding scams and advantages of blockchain and they can use our DEX for swapping thus earning rewards on our tokens. Traditional institutions can provide their services through our protocols directly and use our Oracles. Our oracles will be mainly providing data on hacks, audits, security and markets.





Language:JavaScript 96.4%Language:CSS 3.6%