RRUZ / vcl-styles-plugins

Skin plugins for third party installers and apps

Home Page:https://theroadtodelphi.wordpress.com/

Repository from Github https://github.comRRUZ/vcl-styles-pluginsRepository from Github https://github.comRRUZ/vcl-styles-plugins

The VCL Styles Plugins are a set of tools for customizing the appearance of third-party software and applications using the VCL Styles


VCL Styles for Inno Setup

This plugin (dll) allow skin the installers created by Inno Setup. for more info check this page.

VCL Styles for NSIS

This plugin (dll) allow skin the installers created by NSIS. for more info check this page.


Skin plugins for third party installers and apps



Language:Pascal 89.7%Language:NSIS 5.0%Language:Inno Setup 2.7%Language:PHP 2.0%Language:POV-Ray SDL 0.6%Language:Batchfile 0.1%