RNtaate / To-Do-List

This project is a simple to-do list web application built using Webpack and ES6 concepts.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The Todo List demonstrates the Authors' understanding of dynamically creating objects using JavaScript fundamentals, that include either Factories, Constructors or Classes, by implementing the following requirements of the project:

  1. View and edit all categories.

  2. View and edit all todos/tasks in each category

  3. Click a single todo/task to see or edit its details

  4. Create and Delete a category.

  5. Create and Delete a task.


Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot


Live Demo Link

Built With

  • HTML5 and CSS3
  • JavaScript(including ECMAScript 6 concepts)
  • Node Package Manager(npm)
  • Webpack
  • Babel

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • Install Node Package Manager(npm).
  • Code Editor of your choice.


  • To clone the repo to your local repository. Follow this steps
  • git clone git@github.com:RNtaate/To-Do-List.git
  • cd to-do-list
  • Run npm install to get all the necessary dependencies.
  • Open index.html in your preferred browser.

How to run tests

  • Run the following command in your terminal npm run test


👤 Rumbidzayi Mudziviri

👤 Roy Ntaate

🤝 Contributing

There are two ways of contributing to this project:

  1. If you see something wrong or not working, please check the issue tracker section, if that problem you met is not in already opened issues then open the issue by clicking on new issue button.
  2. If you have a solution to that, and you are willing to work on it, follow the below steps to contribute:
    1. Fork this repository
    2. Clone it on your local computer by running git clone git@github.com:RNtaate/To-Do-List.git Replace RNtaate with the username you use on github
    3. Open the cloned repository which appears as a folder on your local computer with your favorite code editor
    4. Create a separate branch off the master branch,
    5. Write your codes which fix the issue you found
    6. Commit and push the branch you created
    7. Raise a pull request, comparing your new created branch with our original master branch here

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


Microverse Odin Project

📝 License



This project is a simple to-do list web application built using Webpack and ES6 concepts.


Language:JavaScript 79.4%Language:CSS 20.6%