RMichelsen / Nvy

Nvy - A Neovim client in C++

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add to `scoop`'s bucket

EtiamNullam opened this issue · comments

I think it might be worth working towards including Nvy in scoop's (GitHub) bucket - a popular command-line installer for Windows. It should fit in Scoop/Extras bucket.

If it was included there you can install Nvy via:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install neovim nvy

...on a fresh installation to start quickly. I believe most people that use scoop already have Scoop/Extras bucket added.

And just scoop update nvy to get to latest version.

Surely users would be more likely to try Nvy if there was an easy way to do so, especially in repository of a commonly used installer. It might also expose Nvy to a broader audience.

Adding it should be pretty straightforward. I might try to do it in future, when I have some more time but anyone can try. See: ScoopInstaller/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md#for-scoop-buckets.

It seems we do not yet fit the criteria for inclusion in the extras bucket sadly:

  • a reasonably well-known and widely used developer tool (e.g. if it's a GitHub project, it should have at least 500 stars and 150 forks)

Otherwise good idea, I've used scoop in the past myself

* a reasonably well-known and widely used developer tool (e.g. if it's a GitHub project, it should have at least 500 stars and 150 forks)

I think that's the requirement for the Scoop/Main bucket. I was confused about that at first too.


Scoop Extras

Extra manifests for Scoop, the Windows command-line installer. For manifests that don't fit the Main criteria.

Huh okay, in that case I'll see if I can find some time soon to open a PR. Good suggestion 👍

Great if merged.