REditorSupport/sublime-ide-r Issues
Rmarkdown fold code chunks?
Closed 1Disable popup documentation?
Updatedhow to enable rlang server
Updated 18Work with Microsoft R Open
Updated 1Cannot run R code from Sublime text3
Updated 4R code blocks not recognized
Closed 5image placeholder
Updated 1R-IDE: No render rmarkdown
Closed 5multiple R project
Updated 3Academic support for ide-r
Closed 4Frequent crashes with rlang
Updated 3R syntax change
UpdatedAutoindentation query / request
Closed 2[feature request] support for radix
Updated 2R-IDE locks R Markdown files
Updated 6R (3.5.1) Missing Pandocs Error
Closed 2Directory issues?
Closed 10R markdown Syntax
Updated 6