REDNBLACK / preferences

Shell and programs settings

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


My shell and programms settings


  • πŸ’° - Paid or trial app
  • πŸ†“ - Free with conditions app
  • :octocat: - Link to GitHub repo of app


  1. Open Terminal

  2. Download this repo

    git clone --depth=1 --shallow-submodules --recurse-submodules --remote-submodules Preferences
    echo "export DOTPREFSDIR=$(cd Preferences && pwd)" | sudo tee -a /etc/zshenv > /dev/null
    exec zsh
  3. Setup Homebrew [:octocat:] & mas-cli & cask-upgrade

    bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
    brew analytics off
    brew tap {homebrew/cask-versions,homebrew/bundle,buo/cask-upgrade}
    brew install mas
    # Symlink custom Formulaes, Casks and Patches
    mkdir -p $HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY/Library/Taps/rednblack && ln -fs $DOTPREFSDIR/homebrew "$_/homebrew-tap"
  4. Setup Git [:octocat:] & Git LFS [:octocat:] & GitHub

    # Patch git formula, removing gettext and pcre2 dependencies and install
    brew patch rednblack/tap git
    brew install rednblack/tap/git --build-from-source
    brew install git-lfs
    ln -fs $DOTPREFSDIR/git ~/.config/git
    # After generation of Personal Access Token (Classic)
    security add-internet-password -l GitHub -s -r htps -a %GitHub Account Name% -w %GitHub Account Token%
  5. Setup Fira Code (+Nerd) & Meslo Nerd

    brew install --cask homebrew/cask-fonts/font-{fira-code,fira-code-nerd-font,meslo-lg-nerd-font}
  6. Setup zsh [:octocat:] & zinit [:octocat:] & PowerLevel10K & zsh-autosuggestions & zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting

    brew install zsh # ⚠️ Command may be skipped in case of actual preinstalled zsh version
    ln -fs $DOTPREFSDIR/zsh ~/.config/zsh
    echo "export ZDOTDIR=$HOME/.config/zsh" | sudo tee -a /etc/zshenv > /dev/null
    echo "export PATH=$(brew shellenv | sed -nE 's:^export PATH="([^"$]*).*".*$:\1:p'):/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin:\$PATH" | sudo tee -a /etc/zshenv > /dev/null
    # Set as default shell ⚠️ Command may be skipped in case of actual preinstalled zsh version
    which zsh | sudo tee -a /etc/shells > /dev/null
    chsh -s $(which zsh)
    # Set as default shell (alternative) ⚠️ Command may be skipped in case of actual preinstalled zsh version
    sudo dscl . -create ~ UserShell $(which zsh)
  7. Setup iTerm [:octocat:]

    brew install --cask iterm2
    # Variant 1
    ln -fs $DOTPREFSDIR/iterm2/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist
    # Variant 2
    defaults write com.googlecode.iterm2 LoadPrefsFromCustomFolder -bool YES
    defaults write com.googlecode.iterm2 PrefsCustomFolder "$DOTPREFSDIR/iterm2"
    # Set files association
    internal set-file-assoc iTerm com.googlecode.iterm2 $DOTPREFSDIR/iterm2/file-assoc.list
  8. Setup Tools

  9. Setup macOS

    . $DOTPREFSDIR/macOS/conf.zsh
  1. Setup Yubikey Manager [:octocat:] + Authenticator [:octocat:]

    brew install --cask yubico-{yubikey-manager,authenticator}
    # Add Manager CLI to Path
    cat > ${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/ykman <<EOF
    export PYTHONHOME=""
    exec '/Applications/$(brew info yubico-yubikey-manager --json=v2 | jq -r '.casks[].name | .[0]').app/Contents/MacOS/ykman' "\$@"
    chmod +x ${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/ykman
  2. [πŸ’°] Setup Strongbox [:octocat:]

    mas install 1481853033
  3. Setup GPG Suite [:octocat:]

    brew install --cask gpg-suite-no-mail
    defaults write org.gpgtools.updater SUEnableAutomaticChecks -bool NO
    defaults write org.gpgtools.gpgkeychain DoNotShowUploadDialogAgain -bool YES
    defaults write org.gpgtools.common UseKeychain -bool YES
    # Enable Touch ID
    ln -fs $DOTPREFSDIR/pgp/gpg-agent.conf ~/.config/pgp/gpg-agent.conf
    pkill -9 -f pinentry-swift 2> /dev/null || true && swiftc $DOTPREFSDIR/pgp/pinentry-swift.swift -enable-bare-slash-regex -o $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/bin/pinentry-swift
    # Secure SSH
    ln -fs $DOTPREFSDIR/pgp/ssh.conf ~/.config/ssh/client_config
    sudo sed -i '' -n -e '/^Include \/Users\/\*\*\/.*$/!p' -e '$a\'$'\n\\\n# Load Custom Config. DO NOT EDIT\\\nInclude /Users/**/.config/ssh/client_config' /etc/ssh/ssh_config
    sudo sed -i '' -n -e '/^Include \/Users\/\*\*\/.*$/!p' -e '$a\'$'\n\\\n# Load Custom Config. DO NOT EDIT\\\nInclude /Users/**/.config/ssh/daemon_config' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    ## > Variant 1: Disabled Password Auth, Key Only
    ln -fs $DOTPREFSDIR/pgp/sshd-key.conf ~/.config/ssh/daemon_config
    ## > Variant 2: Auth via Password + 2FA
    ln -fs $DOTPREFSDIR/pgp/sshd-otp.conf ~/.config/ssh/daemon_config
    brew install --ignore-dependencies google-authenticator-libpam
    google-authenticator -t -D -Cfq -w 17 -r 3 -R 30 -s ~/.config/ssh/google_authenticator
    sudo sed -i '.old' -e '6s;^;auth       required       /usr/local/opt/google-authenticator-libpam/lib/security/ secret=/Users/${USER}/.config/ssh/google_authenticator\n;' /etc/pam.d/sshd
    # Remove bloat
    sudo rm -rf /Library/PreferencePanes/GPGPreferences.prefPane && sudo rm -f /Library/LaunchAgents/org.gpgtools.{updater,macgpg2.fix,macgpg2.updater,Libmacgpg.xpc}.plist
  4. Setup secure DNS over HTTPS/TLS/QUIC

    • Popular DNS over HTTPS/TLS

      1. Set var config to config name from repo (for example cloudflare-https)
      2. curl -LSs -o 'DoH.mobileconfig' "${config}.mobileconfig" && \
        open -a ProfileHelper DoH.mobileconfig && \
        open "" && \
        rm DoH.mobileconfig
      3. In the Profiles window press 'Install...'
    • [πŸ†“] NextDNS [:octocat:]

      1. Set vars id - to your configuration id, name - to device name and model - to one of values from here (for example Apple MacBookPro11,1)
      2. curl -GLSs -o 'NextDNS.mobileconfig' '' \
          -d "configuration=${id}" \
          --data-urlencode "device_name=${name}" \
          --data-urlencode "device_model=${model}" \
          -d "sign=${sign:-0}" \
          -d "trust_ca=${trust:-0}" \
          -d "bootstrap_ips=${bootstrap:-0}" \
          -d "prohibit_disablement=${supervised:-0}" && \
        open -a ProfileHelper NextDNS.mobileconfig && \
        open "" && \
        rm NextDNS.mobileconfig
      3. In the Profiles window press 'Install...'


      brew install nextdns/tap/nextdns
  5. Setup Orbot [:octocat:]

    mas install 1609461599
  6. [πŸ†“] Setup Lantern [:octocat:]

    brew install --cask lantern
    cp -f $DOTPREFSDIR/lantern/settings.yaml ~/Library/Application\ Support/Lantern/settings.yaml
  7. Setup misc

    # Enable sudo auth via Touch ID (⚠️ Must be done after every system update)
    sudo sed -i '.old' -e '2s;^;auth       sufficient\n;' /etc/pam.d/sudo
    # Allow applications downloaded from anywhere (⚠️ Must be done after every system update)
    sudo spctl --master-disable
    # Disable annoying root password request on every LaunchAgent launch (⚠️ Must be done after every system update)
    security authorizationdb write allow
    # Disable library validation (⚠️ USE YOUR BRAIN, also must be done after every system update)
    sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ DisableLibraryValidation -bool true
    # Cleanup conflicting configs for bash/zsh (⚠️ Must be done after every system update)
    sudo rm -f /etc/zshrc_Apple_Terminal /etc/zshrc /etc/zprofile /etc/bashrc_Apple_Terminal /etc/bashrc /etc/profile
  1. [πŸ†“] Setup Sublime Text 4 [:octocat:]

    brew install --cask sublime-text
    ln -fs $DOTPREFSDIR/sublime-text/conf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text/Packages/User
    # Install license
    cp -f "**Path to License.sublime_license file**" ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text/Local/License.sublime_license
    # Set files association
    internal set-file-assoc SublimeText com.sublimetext.4 $DOTPREFSDIR/sublime-text/file-assoc.list
  2. [πŸ†“] Setup JetBrains Toolbox [:octocat:]

    • brew install --cask jetbrains-toolbox
      ln -fs $DOTPREFSDIR/jb-toolbox/conf.json ~/Library/Application\ Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/.settings.json
      ln -fs $DOTPREFSDIR/jb-toolbox/storage.json ~/Library/Application\ Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/.storage.json
    • Next download IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate
    • Install plugins for IntelliJ IDEA
    • Β―_(ツ)_/Β―
  3. Setup Docker [:octocat:] & Helm [:octocat:]

    brew install --cask docker
    brew install helm
    # After generation of Access Token
    security add-internet-password -l Docker\ Hub -s -r htps -a %Docker Account Name% -w %Docker Account Token%
  4. Setup Java Eclipse Temurin [:octocat:] & GraalVM [:octocat:] & JMC [:octocat:] & sbt [:octocat:]

    brew install --cask temurin{8,17} graalvm-jdk
    brew install --cask openjdk-jmc
    brew install sbt
    # Switch JDK version to `8` or `17` or `graal`
    jdk 17
  5. Setup Python [:octocat:]

    ln -fs /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/python3 $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/bin/python
    ln -fs /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/pip3 $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/bin/pip
  6. Setup Rust rustup [:octocat:]

    curl -L | bash -s -- --profile default --default-toolchain nightly -y --no-modify-path
  7. Setup Node.js n [:octocat:] & pnpm [:octocat:]

    curl -L | bash -s -- -n -y lts
    corepack enable npm pnpm
  8. Setup RapidAPI & grpcurl & ngrok

    brew install --cask rapidapi
    brew install grpcurl
    brew install --cask ngrok
  9. Setup Postgres App [:octocat:]

    brew install --cask postgres
  1. Setup Apple Configurator 2

    mas install 1037126344
  2. Setup Cheatsheet

    brew install --cask cheatsheet
    defaults import com.mediaatelier.CheatSheet $DOTPREFSDIR/cheatsheet/conf.plist
  3. [πŸ’°] Setup BetterTouchTool

    brew install --cask bettertouchtool
    defaults import com.hegenberg.BetterTouchTool $DOTPREFSDIR/btt/conf.plist
    # Install license
    cp -f "**Path to license.bettertouchtool file**" ~/Library/Application\ Support/BetterTouchTool/bettertouchtool.bttlicense
  4. Setup Touchbar Nyan Cat

    brew install --cask touchbar-nyancat
  1. [πŸ†“] Setup Nimble Commander

    brew install --cask nimble-commander
    ln -fs $DOTPREFSDIR/nimble-commander/conf.json ~/Library/Application\ Support/Nimble\ Commander/Config/Config.json
    defaults import info.filesmanager.Files $DOTPREFSDIR/nimble-commander/conf.plist
    # Set as default file viewer
    defaults write -g NSFileViewer -string info.filesmanager.Files
    defaults write LSHandlers -array-add '{LSHandlerContentType="public.folder";LSHandlerRoleAll="info.filesmanager.Files";}'
    # Install license
    cp -f "**Path to License.nimblecommanderlicense file**" ~/Library/Application\ Support/Nimble\ Commander/registration.nimblecommanderlicense
  2. Setup Keka [:octocat:]

    brew install --cask keka
    defaults import com.aone.keka $DOTPREFSDIR/keka/conf.plist
    # Set file association (w/o using kekadefaultapp)
    internal set-file-assoc Keka com.aone.keka $DOTPREFSDIR/keka/file-assoc.list
  3. [πŸ’°] Setup iStat Menus [:octocat:]

    brew install --cask istat-menus
    defaults import com.bjango.istatmenus6.extras $DOTPREFSDIR/istat-menus/conf.plist
    # Install license
    defaults write com.bjango.istatmenus license6 -dict email '**License email**' serial '**License serial key**'
  4. Setup OnyX

    brew install --cask onyx
  5. [πŸ’°] Setup DaisyDisk

    brew install --cask daisydisk
  6. Setup Wineskin

    brew install --cask gcenx/wine/wineskin
  7. [πŸ’°] Setup Apple Remote Desktop

    mas install 409907375
  1. Setup Brave Browser

  2. Setup Transmission [:octocat:]

    brew install --cask transmission
    defaults import org.m0k.transmission $DOTPREFSDIR/transmission/conf.plist
  3. [πŸ†“] Setup Wi-Fi Explorer

    brew install --cask wifi-explorer
  1. Setup Signal [:octocat:]

    brew install --cask signal
  2. Setup KTalk

    brew install --cask ktalk
  3. [πŸ’°] Setup Krisp

    brew install --cask krisp
    # Disable autostart
    rm -f ~/Library/LaunchAgents/krisp.plist
  4. [πŸ’°] Setup Proton Mail - Bridge Headless, with patched hostname resolve [:octocat:]

    cd $DOTPREFSDIR/protonmail-bridge && ./install.zsh
  1. [πŸ†“] Setup Spotify [:octocat:]

    brew install --cask spotify
  2. [πŸ†“] Setup MP3Tag

    mas install 1532597159
  3. Setup Subler & HandBrake [:octocat:] & FFmpeg & MKVToolNix

    brew install --cask video-toolbox
  4. Setup MediaInfo

    # Ugly but free
    brew install --cask mediainfo
    # For Native UI
    mas install 510620098
  1. Setup Sideloadly

    brew install --cask sideloadly
  2. [πŸ’°] Setup WALTR PRO

    brew install --cask waltr-pro
    defaults import com.softorino.waltrpro $DOTPREFSDIR/waltr/conf.plist
    # ~/Library/Application\ Support/WALTR\ PRO/.alticense && /Users/Shared/WALTR PRO/.alticense


Shell and programs settings

License:Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License


Language:Shell 71.9%Language:Swift 15.1%Language:Ruby 11.9%Language:CSS 1.1%