- a simple device uses ESP32 to interract with a serial device (can be another MCU, a sensor or basically anything using serial communication) via webUI.
- datalogging capabilities using built in flash (+sdcard support later).
- ESP32 default UART2: rx:GPIO16 tx:GPIO17 3.3V TTL Level
- if using 3v3 boards (like the ESP32) to monitor a 5v sensor, a level shifter should be added
(though a simple voltage divider, while not the best solution, is sometimes sufficient) - proper WebUI will be imlemented soon. right now to view the newlines correctly, you can 'view source' on the address, so you can see the serial data as-is.
- receive-only right now. sending data to the sensor will be implemented later.
- hardcoded to 115200, change manually in the code to the desired data rate.
- save serial data to file
- web server
- wifi manager
- esp8266 support
- Add OTA update
- persistent settings file
- webUI
- Server-Sent Events or WebSocket
- log filtering by severity
- bi-directional serial communication
- sd card support
- send syslog
- telnet
websockets vs server-sent events
t[001730]l[1040]f[operator()] Requested: /reset
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2
entry 0x400805e4
t[000000]l[0035]f[begin] Error: Failed to initialize SD card
t[000004]l[0048]f[begin] SPIFFS OK
t[000004]l[0248]f[LoadStructs] Loading system from SPIFFS
t[000004]l[0080]f[Load] Loading /SysState.bin successfully
t[000004]l[0082]f[Load] 36 out of 36 Bytes read. filesize Match.
t[000004]l[0080]f[Load] Loading /Pressure.bin successfully
t[000004]l[0082]f[Load] 24 out of 24 Bytes read. filesize Match.
t[000004]l[0080]f[Load] Loading /Flow.bin successfully
t[000004]l[0082]f[Load] 40 out of 40 Bytes read. filesize Match.
t[000004]l[0080]f[Load] Loading /Barrels.bin successfully
t[000004]l[0082]f[Load] 216 out of 216 Bytes read. filesize Match.
t[000006]l[0031]f[begin] ESSID: *hidden* IP:
t[000009]l[0191]f[operator()] Requested: /manual