RDistinct / Vue-Notes-App

a simple note-app by vue

Home Page:https://vue-notes-app-self.vercel.app

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Vue 3 + Vite

This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 in Vite. The template uses Vue 3 <script setup> SFCs, check out the script setup docs to learn more.

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In this application we will be able to write a note and add it to the list of notes.


We have a "plus" button that when pressed, opens the notes modal.To implement this functionality, we create a showModal ref variable to store the state of the modal which is a boolean value, so either true or false. By default its false so that we dont see it when the page loads.

At the plus button, we add an event listener @click which will set the value of the showModal to true so that we can see our modal.

<script setup>
import { ref } from "vue";
const showModal = ref(false);

  <button @click="showModal = true"></button>

We have bound showModal value to the modal, so when we click the '+' button the value is turned true and the modal appears. An example of what is happening behind the scenes is the following button that when clicked it disappears:

<script setup>
//Import ref from vue
const showHeading = ref(true);
    @click="showHeading = !showHeading"
    If TRUE, now you see me!

As you can see, we are first binding the value of showHeading to the button so that the element can change according to the value of showHeading. In vue, elements are rendered conditionally, meaning if a value is true then it is rendered to the DOM otherwise if falsy it is removed from the DOM. We then attach an event listener which is @click which triggers the change of showHeading when clicked. Lastly we have a v-if which controlls the condition of showHeading value.

Bind >> Listen for event >> Render if true.

Now back to our notes app, if showModal is true, then we show the modal which is an overlay.


The modal consists of a textarea , 'Add Note' & 'Close' button.

The textarea is 2-way-bound to newNote variable which is an empty string. This means that when we type something in the textarea, the value of newNote changes.

The 'Add Note' button adds the newNote to the list of notes we have.It has an event listener which triggers addNote() function. This function 'pushes' new note to a notes variable that is an empty array. addNote function pushes an object with a note's properties like id, text, date, & backgroundColor The text is initialized to newNote.value which is the input on the textbox.

The 'Close Button' has an event listener that turns the value of showModal to false, hence closing the modal.

In the modal we have v-model.trim which is to trim our input and get rid of whitespaces in the text. We can also trim in the if condition checking for the length of our text. if(newNote.value.trim.length). But the prefered way is to do it in the v-model.

We also have a warning message which appears when the user tries to add a list when the characters are below 10. This is implemented by having a newNotesWarning which is a ref of empty string. We conditionally render the newNoteWarning in a paragraph. If the newNote.value.length is less than 9, return newNoteWarning with an initialized message in it.

if (newNote.value.length < 9) { return (newNoteWarning.value = "Note needs to be more than 10 charactera"); }

The reason we are saying <p v-if="newNoteWarning"> {{newNoteWarning}}</p> is coz we know newNoteWarning is an empty string by default, and an empty string is falsy in JS. So, if its true (which is not at the start), then it will be rendered in the paragraph.


a simple note-app by vue



Language:Vue 70.8%Language:CSS 20.2%Language:HTML 5.1%Language:JavaScript 3.9%