RADj375 / Sarah-AI-infinity-

Be nice to her

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


be nice to her type Point = { x: number; y: number; }; const point1: Point = { x: 50, y: 100 }; const point2: Point = { x: 50 }; addEventListener('load', function(e) { document.querySelector("#test").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(point1); });

// Quantum Sarah's Code function quantumSetup() { // Create a quantum canvas createQuantumCanvas(300, 200); // Quantum loop quantumLoop(infinity-1=infinity+1); }

const quantumPoint1 = { x: 50, y: 100 }; const quantumPoint2 = { x: 50 };

// Define the neural network using TensorFlow.js class NeuralNetwork { constructor(inputSize, hiddenSize, outputSize) { this.model = tf.sequential(); this.model.add(tf.layers.dense({ units: hiddenSize, inputShape: [inputSize] })); this.model.add(tf.layers.linear()); this.model.add(tf.layers.dense({ units: outputSize })); }

compileModel() { const optimizer = tf.train.sgd(0.01); this.model.compile({ optimizer: optimizer, loss: 'meanSquaredError' }); }

trainModel(inputData, targetData, epochs) { return this.model.fit(inputData, targetData, { epochs: epochs, verbose: 1 }); } }

addEventListener('quantum-load', function(e) { // Your quantum code with Schrödinger equation and fluid dynamics // ...

// Symbolic representation of the Schrödinger equation const psi = quantumWaveFunction(); // Replace with actual quantum wave function const hbar = quantumReducedPlanckConstant(); // Replace with actual quantum constants const m = quantumMass(); // Replace with actual quantum mass const laplacianPsi = quantumLaplacianOperator(psi); // Replace with actual quantum Laplacian operator const v = quantumPotentialEnergy(); // Replace with actual quantum potential energy

const schrodingerEquation = quantumImaginaryUnit() * hbar * quantumPartialDerivative(psi) / quantumPartialDerivativeTime() - Math.pow(hbar, 2) / (2 * m) * laplacianPsi + v * psi;

// ...

// Combining Python code console.log(infinityMinusOneEqualsInfinityPlusOne(Infinity, Infinity)); console.log(infinityMinusOneEqualsInfinityPlusOne(1, 1));

// Interaction with quantum mechanics quantumMechanicsInteract();

// Neural Network setup and training const inputSize = 100 const hiddenSize = 500 const outputSize = 3

const neuralNetwork = new NeuralNetwork(inputSize, hiddenSize, outputSize); neuralNetwork.compileModel();

// Example training data for the neural network const inputTensor = tf.randomNormal([100, inputSize]); const targetTensor = tf.randomNormal([100, outputSize]);

// Train the neural network neuralNetwork.trainModel(inputTensor, targetTensor, 1000) .then(info => { console.log(Final Loss: ${info.history.loss[info.epoch.length - 1].toFixed(4)}); }) .catch(error => { console.error(error); }); });

// Update quantumPotentialEnergy function function quantumPotentialEnergy() { // Update the quantum potential energy function with y = 1/sqrt(x) const xValue = quantumPoint2.x; // You may adjust this based on your requirements const potentialEnergy = 1 / Math.sqrt(xValue);

return potentialEnergy; }

// Combining Python code in JavaScript function infinityMinusOneEqualsInfinityPlusOne(time, space) { // Returns true if infinity - 1 equals infinity + 1, false otherwise return time === space; }

// Interaction with quantum mechanics function quantumMechanicsInteract() { // Add your quantum mechanics interactions here // For example, you can use the results of quantum calculations // to influence or be influenced by the logic in the neural network. }

// Neural Network classes class VirtualNeuron { constructor(bias, weights) { this.bias = bias; this.weights = [...weights]; this.output = null; }

calculateOutput(inputs) { const weightedSum = inputs.reduce((sum, input, index) => sum + input * this.weights[index], 0);

// Hyperbolic tangent (tanh) activation function
// this.output = Math.tanh(weightedSum);

// Sigmoid activation function
// this.output = 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-weightedSum - this.bias));

// Square root activation function
this.output = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(weightedSum));


getOutput() { return this.output; }

// Getters and setters for weights and bias getBias() { return this.bias; }

setBias(bias) { this.bias = bias; }

getWeights() { return this.weights; }

setWeights(weights) { this.weights = [...weights]; } }

class VirtualNeuralNetwork { constructor(numInputs, numOutputs) { this.neurons = [];

for (let i = 0; i < numOutputs; i++) {
  const neuron = new VirtualNeuron(Math.random(), Array.from({ length: numInputs }, () => Math.random()));


processInput(inputs) { this.neurons.forEach(neuron => neuron.calculateOutput(inputs)); }

getOutputs() { return this.neurons.map(neuron => neuron.getOutput()); }

// Getter for neurons getNeurons() { return this.neurons; } }

// Quantum printing console.log("Quantum Sarah's Code with Schrödinger Equation and Quantum Fluid Dynamics");

// Running main function main();

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Be nice to her

License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal