R3D9477 / csql

SQL generation using C++ syntax and power of compilers data type checking

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

compilable SQL

Concept of SQL-like syntax for C++

0. Usage

Currently supports generation of raw sql requests and SQLite database. Examples of raw sql generation you can see here and working with SQLite database you can see here.

1. Table declaration

looks like common C-like structure:

struct MyTable: Table
    TableColumn<int>          ID = { SqlName("ID"), TCS(TCS::PRIMARY_KEY|TCS::AUTOINCREMENT) };
    TableColumn<double>       C1 = { SqlName("C1"), TCS::DEFAULT, 3.14 };
    TableColumn<std::time_t>  C2 = { SqlName("C2"), TCS(TCS::DEFAULT|TCS::NOT_NULL) };
    TableColumn<std::string>  C3 = { TCS::DEFAULT };
    TableColumn<float>        C4 = { 5.65f };
    TableColumn<float>        C5;

    MyTable (): Table(SqlName("MyTable")) { registerColumns(ID, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5); }

2. Data row insertion

has a value type checking

myTable.addRow(0, 1.23, time(0), "XXX", 3.14f, 31.4f);
myTable.addRow(0, 1.11, time(0), "YYY", 3.13f, 8.88f);

3. Conditions

has a common C-like style (with value type checking) and nesting support:

std::cout << myTable.getSqlRowsSelect(
           myTable.C1 ==  3.14                              //    conditional expression...
        && myTable.C2 >   myTable.C3                        // ...conditional expression...
        && myTable.C3 ==  SqlName("MyOwnColumn")            // ...conditional expression...
        && myTable.C4.IN( myTable.getSqlRowsSelect() )      // ...conditional expression <-- nested condition!
        { myTable.C1, TRST::DEF  },
        { myTable.C2, TRST::ASC  },
        { myTable.C3, TRST::DESC }


SQL generation using C++ syntax and power of compilers data type checking

License:Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License


Language:C++ 90.7%Language:CMake 8.8%Language:C 0.3%Language:Shell 0.2%