R35007 / data-size-count-vscode-extension

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Data Size Count


Display following details in the vscode statusbar

  • File Size
  • Number of selected Lines
  • Number of selected Words
  • Array Length if the selected data is an array
  • Object Size if the selected data is an object
  • HTML or XML Tags count if the selected text is an HTML or XML tag.







Note: The statusbar item may not show if the file size exceed the limit of 20mb.

Display Format

You can use $(icon-name) to show icon, visit this site https://microsoft.github.io/vscode-codicons/dist/codicon.html to find icon name.

Default Format :

  • data-size-count.statusBar.fileSizeformat - "$(file-text) ${fileSize}"
  • data-size-count.statusBar.selectionCountFormat - " ${linesCount} : ${wordsCount}"
  • data-size-count.statusBar.dataCountFormat - " : ${dataCountWithBrackets}"

Variable Description :

  • ${fileSize} - Gives the ActiveTextEditor File Size.
  • ${linesCount} - Gives the selected line(s) count.
  • ${wordsCount} - Gives the selected word(s) count.
  • ${dataCount} - Gives the selected data count. It can be either Array length or an Object size or HTML Elements count.
  • ${dataCountWithBrackets} - Gives the selected data count with brackets. ex : [12] - Array or {12} - Object or <12> - HTML.
  • ${openBracket} - Gives the selected data type open brackets. ex : [ - Array or { - Object or < - HTML.
  • ${closeBracket} - Gives the selected data type close brackets. ex : ] - Array or } - Object or > - HTML.


  • data-size-count.statusBar.position - Set Custom Statusbar position.
  • data-size-count.statusBar.priority - The priority of the statusbar. Higher value means the statusbar should be shown more to the left.
  • data-size-count.statusBar.fileSizeFormat - You can use these variables to custom display format: ${fileSize}.
  • data-size-count.statusBar.selectionCountFormat - You can use these variables to custom display format: ${linesCount} ${wordsCount}.
  • data-size-count.statusBar.dataCountFormat - You can use these variables to custom display format: ${dataCountWithBrackets}.
  • data-size-count.statusBar.visibility - Show/Hide File Size, Lines Count, Words and Data Count details in statusbar.



License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 90.0%Language:JavaScript 10.0%