LaSi is short for: Lazy admin Scripted Installers. Aim is to create 'easy' walkthrough-installers written in Bash for programs that are not inside official *nix-repo's, but for example only on Github or Googlecode. Main focus is headless servers, right now it supports debian-based systems, freeBSD-deratives (thx to Kriss1981) and bootstrapped Synology NAS devices (thx to Jeroenve)).

Home Page:mar2zz.tweakblogs.net

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

LaSi: Lazy admin Scripted installers

# Authors:  Mar2zz, Kriss1981 and Jeroenve
# url: mar2zz.tweakblogs.net
# url: http://synology.brickman.nl/
# url: https://github.com/Kriss1981
# License: GNU GPL v3
# please report bugs/issues @
# https://github.com/Mar2zz/LaSi/issues

The purpose of the main script LaSi.sh is to download the installer for your system and
show a menu in the terminal. This menu presents some info about installable
programs and those programs can be installed from this menu.

Download LaSi.sh @ http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18712538/LaSi/LaSi.sh
Make it executable (sudo chmod +x LaSi.sh on Debian*/freeBSD* or chmod +x LaSi.sh on Synology)

When choosing a program LaSi will show some info about it
and the option to install it. If choice is 
install program X LaSi will install the latest versions of
those programs.

The installation is questiondriven.

The goal is to create a simple way to install 
programs that are not inside repo's,
but for example only on Github or googlecode.

The programs I chose are mainly written for media 
entertainment and centered around Sabnzbd and postprocessing.
They work best on headless linuxservers or dedicated linux HTPC's.

For all program's daemons will be enabled so they will run @ boot.
Those programs can be uninstalled with sudo apt-get remove (or purge) programname.
Beets and subliminal can be uninstalled with sudo pip uninstall programname.

Programs supported:

* Beets
-- Musicmanager (pip install)
URL: http://beets.radbox.org

* CouchPotato
-- Moviedownloader (git)
URL: http://couchpotatoapp.com/

* Headphones
-- Musicdownloader (git)
URL: https://github.com/rembo10/headphones.git

* Mediafrontpage
-- HTPC Organizer (git)
URL: http://mediafrontpage.net

* Sabnzbdplus
-- NZB downloader
URL: http://sabnzbd.org

* SickBeard
-- TV Showdownloader (git)
URL: http://sickbeard.com/

* Spotweb
-- Dutch usenetcommunity (git)

* Subliminal
-- Subtitle searcher (pip install)
URL: https://github.com/Diaoul/subliminal

* Transmission
-- Torrent client (apt)
URL: http://www.transmissionbt.com/

-- HTPC software (apt)
URL: http://www.xbmc.org


" Lazy admin Scripted installers -----------------------"
"                    ___           ___                  "
"                   /\  \         /\__\                 "
"                  /::\  \       /:/ _/_       ___      "
"                 /:/\:\  \     /:/ /\  \     /\__\     "
"  ___     ___   /:/ /::\  \   /:/ /::\  \   /:/__/     "
" /\  \   /\__\ /:/_/:/\:\__\ /:/_/:/\:\__\ /::\  \     "
" \:\  \ /:/  / \:\/:/  \/__/ \:\/:/ /:/  / \/\:\  \__  "
"  \:\  /:/  /   \::/__/       \::/ /:/  /     \:\/\__\ "
"   \:\/:/  /     \:\  \        \/_/:/  /       \::/  / "
"    \::/  /       \:\__\         /:/  /        /:/  /  "
"     \/__/         \/__/         \/__/         \/__/   "

"-------------------------- Kriss1981, Jeroenve, Mar2zz "


LaSi is short for: Lazy admin Scripted Installers. Aim is to create 'easy' walkthrough-installers written in Bash for programs that are not inside official *nix-repo's, but for example only on Github or Googlecode. Main focus is headless servers, right now it supports debian-based systems, freeBSD-deratives (thx to Kriss1981) and bootstrapped Synology NAS devices (thx to Jeroenve)).


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Shell 99.8%Language:PHP 0.2%