R-Rijnbeek / air_vapour_pressure_dynamics

Repository with the basic functions related with the temperature, relative humidity, absolute humidity and entalpy of the air with the different variable transformations

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Air Vapour Pressure Dynamics

Repository with the basic functions related with the temperature, relative humidity, absolute humidity and entalpy of the air.

How it work:

  1. Create en python environent and install the package using de command:

    pip install air_vapour_pressure_dynamics
  2. Once you get installed the package you can import the packahe in the python module by:

    from air_vapour_pressure_dynamics import vapourpressure, absolutehumidity_kg_air,....


    import air_vapour_pressure_dynamics


  1. put or remove argument validation::
  2. Put or remove Units to results of validation::


Basic Example::

from air_vapour_pressure_dynamics import absolutehumidity_kg_air
temp = 25.5
rh = 86.8
absolutehumidity_kg_air(temp, rh)


Get units of calculation::

from air_vapour_pressure_dynamics import absolutehumidity_kg_air
temp = 25.5
rh = 86.8
ab_hu = absolutehumidity_kg_air(temp, rh)



  • Numpy
  • Sympy

But it is not neccesary to install those packages if you are going to use it only with generic integers or float numbers


  • Functions:

    • vapourpressure(temp)
    • density_air(temp, rh)
    • absolutehumidity_kg_air(temp, rh)
    • absolutehumidity_m3_air(temp, rh)
    • entalpie_kg_air(temp, rh)
    • entalpie_m3_air(temp, rh)
    • moisuredeficit_kg_air(temp, rh)
    • moisuredeficit_m3_air(temp, rh)
    • dew_point_factor(temp, rh)
    • dew_point_temperature(temp, rh)
  • Setters:

    • setApplyUnits(bool)
    • setArgumentCheck(bool)

And that it!!


Repository with the basic functions related with the temperature, relative humidity, absolute humidity and entalpy of the air with the different variable transformations

License:MIT License


Language:Python 97.5%Language:Batchfile 2.5%