This project is a web application that represent a beauty salon.
Environment: Java 8 Tomcat 8.5 MySQL: any version Or using Docker
1. Technologies that I am using in this application:
- Spring framework
- Freemarker
- Amazon webservices: S3, budget
- Docker for quick deployment
2. Features of this project:
End user UI:
- Homepage
- Services/subservices
- Post
- Booking
- Confirmation mail
Admin UI:
- Homepage
- Services/subservices management
- Post Management
- Booking management
- S3 file management
3. Project deployment steps:
Use docker to install database:
Install docker
Browse docker directory: cd src/main/webapp/resources/docker
Run docker compose command: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up
After successfully installing the mysql container, use a database workbench to test connection
database: MySQL
username: drduongspa
password: password
database name: drduongspa
host: localhost
port: 3306
4. On-going development
- To convert MVC controller into api controller
- To implement UI with Angular framework
- To implement password hashing anda data encryption
- To implement subscription
- To implement user registration