Quill-OS / user-applications

User applications repository

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InkBox user applications

Official repo for InkBox OS user applications

Devices that are not listed as "supported" may also be able to run the software below, sometimes they have simply not been tested, or some of their features are missing. Your best option is probably to ask the authors.

Name Description Download link Version Source code Fork Author Supported devices
sanki Small anki port to e-readers In repo v0.3.4 Szybet/sanki Szybet all?
Sketch Plato's sketch ported to InkBox OS Sketch.zip 0.4.0 Szybet/sketch-inkbox ✔️ baskerville/Szybet n705, n905b, n905c, n613, n236, n437, n306, n873
Maps Maps app Maps.zip 1.0 Szybet/inkbox-maps ✔️ jmfairlie/Szybet/tux-linux all
QtFrotz Infocom game interpreter QtFrotz.zip 1.0 Kobo-InkBox/QtFrotz ✔️ BigBoot/tux-linux all
Conway Conway's "Game of life" Conway.zip 1.0 Kobo-InkBox/conway ✔️ tucnak/tux-linux all
Rssguard Rss reader rssguard.zip 0.1 Szybet/rssguard-inkbox ✔️ martinrotter/Szybet n306
FeatherNotes A note app, uses USB keyboard feathernotes.zip 0.1 Szybet/FeatherNotes-inkbox ✔️ tsujan/Szybet n306
ITerm InkBox Terminal (originally sff) ITerm.zip 1.0 Kobo-InkBox/sff ✔️ jsbronder/tux-linux all
Nachat Ancient matrix client that works suprisingly well nachat.zip 0.1 Szybet/nachat-inkbox ✔️ Ralith/Szybet all
Syncthing Qt wrapper for launching native syncthing syncthing.zip 0.1 Szybet/syncthing-inkbox Szybet all
Koreader Alternative book reading software In repo 2023-10-05 Szybet/koreader-inkbox ✔️ Szybet/Koreader all but it may have problems. Updating ipd to the newest version should fix a few of them


User applications repository