QuasarChains / adao-multisig

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ADAO Multisig


  1. Easy-to-use user interface
  2. Generate multi-sig wallets (wallet addresses and keys for multisig transactions)
  3. Make it easy to sign transactions etc
  4. Flesh out and expand ADAO user interface
  5. Make it a catalyst alternative.


  • Discover how to lock funds in script address. (convert script to script address)
  • Choose UI
  • Write script proof-of-concept
  • Tom shows it off -- create an awesome demo
  • Figure out how to manage staking rights after locking funds.

Progress Notes

We have chosen to use the cardano-wallet commandline tool to set up a server to create mnemonic phrases which can then be used to generate addresses. We have then chosen to use the cardano-address CLI to generate multi-sig scripts. We generate a multi-sig address. We can then put those multi-sig scripts into the cardano-wallet API to submit the transaction to lock the funds into the multi-sig address.

Below, we use the cardano-wallet CLI to generate private and public address keys. Here is a link to the cardano-wallet API.

cardano-wallet recovery-phrase generate >> new_phrase.txt
cat new_phrase.txt | cardano-wallet key from-recovery-phrase Shared >> root.skey
cat root.skey | cardano-wallet key child 1852H/1815H/0H >> acct.skey
cat acct.skey | cardano-wallet key child 1852H/1815H >> addr.skey
cat addr.skey | cardano-wallet key public --with-chain-code >> addr.vkey

Below is an example of using the cardano-address CLI to generate keys and a script hash and preimage.

cardano-address recovery-phrase generate --size 15 \
    | cardano-address key from-recovery-phrase Shared > root_shared.xsk
cat root_shared.xsk \
    | cardano-address key child 1854H/1815H/0H/0/0 > signingKey1.xsk
cat signingKey1.xsk \
    | cardano-address key public --without-chain-code \
    | cardano-address key hash > verKey1.vkh
cat root_shared.xsk \
    | cardano-address key child 1854H/1815H/0H/0/1 > signingKey2.xsk
cat signingKey2.xsk \
    | cardano-address key public --without-chain-code \
    | cardano-address key hash > verKey2.vkh
cardano-address script hash "all [$(cat verKey1.vkh),$(cat verKey2.vkh)]"
cardano-address script preimage "all [addr_shared_vkh1zxt0uvrza94h3hv4jpv0ttddgnwkvdgeyq8jf9w30mcs6y8w3nq, active_from 100, active_until 150]"

We might be able to serve the wallet remotely and the address locally. The trick will be to convert between the cardano-wallet format and the cardano-address format. Fortunately, I have already published a stack exchange answer about this: my post

cardano-cli key convert-cardano-address-key --shelley-payment-key --signing-key-file signingKey2.xsk --out-file signingKey2.skey

More information may be found here. It also tells you how exactly the cborhex is constructed.

This last bit can be done as an NPM package in javascript in the browser. You can find the API here and here.

Here is the Haddock documentation for the shared addresses.


cardano-cli --tx-in-scrpt-file info. Here is documentation for simple scripts. This is actually completely sufficient.

Tom's idea: allocate a portion of governance tokens to Holger's pool.

  "type": "all",
      "type": "sig",
      "keyHash": "e09d36c79dec9bd1b3d9e152247701cd0bb860b5ebfd1de8abb6735a"
      "type": "sig",
      "keyHash": "a687dcc24e00dd3caafbeb5e68f97ca8ef269cb6fe971345eb951756"
      "type": "sig",
      "keyHash": "0bd1d702b2e6188fe0857a6dc7ffb0675229bab58c86638ffa87ed6d"

Educational Microfinancing

Let's look into this.



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