Quantum-cross / Home-Assistant-Inovelli-Red-Dimmer-Switch

Scripts for setting LED indicators and effects on Inovelli products.

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Inovelli Calculations

Z-Wave JS to MQTT Container

Home Assistant Forum Post

Requires container 2.4.0 or greater.

This is a complete rewrite of the original work which was done by BrianHanifin on post: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/inovelli-z-wave-red-series-notification-led/165483

Features This script can set and clear effects as well as configure the LED or LED strip on Inovelli dimmers, switches, and fan / light combo dimmers. Devices of different types can be set in a single call. It will accept entities of Inovelli devices, the device itself in the form of the device ID, or an area ID to set all Inovelli devices in that area.

The LED indicator can be set alongside an effect in a single call so that an indicator color change doesn't clear the effect (this does restart the duration timer, however). For example, setting "chase" for 1 second with a red indicator LED is a nice notification that something changed without being overly obnoxious and distracting (like setting "fast blink" with an infinite duration). The effect wears off after one second, but the indicator stays red afterwards.

Effects that have been set to "forever" can be cleared by just passing the entity, device, or area the entity belongs to. There's no need to remember the effect, color, and brightness parameter or set them to 0. It's easier to remember when you get to my age, and less to type. Also, it's a fairly safe way to "fail" if we don't have all the right parameters since (most of the time) clearing the effect will have no visible result on the physical device.

Required for setting the LED indicator

- LEDcolor: (int or string) Sets color of LED status and must be one of: Off, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Teal, Blue, Purple, Light Pink, Pink, White
- LEDbrightness: (whole integer 1 – 10) Sets the brightness of the LED status when on.
- LEDbrightness_off: (whole integer 1 – 10) Sets the brightness of the LED status when off.

Required for setting LED effects

- duration: (string) Either "Off", or a whole integer followed by "Seconds", "Minutes", "Hours", "Indefinitely", or "Forever".
- effect: (string) One of: "Off", "Solid", "Chase" (switches don't support chase and will fast blink instead), "Fast Blink", "Slow Blink", "Blink", or "Pulse".
- brightness: (integer 1 – 10) Sets the brightness of the LED's effect
- color: (int or string) Sets color of LED effect and must be one of: Off, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Teal, Blue, Purple, Light Pink, Pink, White

 Notification effect examples:

service: script.inovelli_led_zwavejs
  area: 'Family Room' # This can also be an area ID, if you're using a template.
  duration: Forever
  effect: CHASE
  brightness: 8
  color: Teal

service: script.inovelli_led_zwavejs
  area: all # Requires Home Assistant 2023.04 or newer.
  duration: Forever
  effect: 'Fast Blink'
  brightness: 8
  color: 'light pink'
service: script.inovelli_led_zwavejs
  entity: fan.front_porch
  effect: pulse
  brightness: 8
  color: red

Clearing an effect

service: script.inovelli_led_zwavejs
  area: 'Family Room'
  entity: fan.front_porch

LED color example:

service: script.inovelli_led_zwavejs
  entity: light.office
  LEDcolor: blue
  LEDbrightness: 7
  LEDbrightness_off: 3

LEDbrightness_off example: (maybe part of a nighttime routine?)

service: script.inovelli_led_zwavejs
  entity: light.office
  LEDbrightness_off: 2

Effect to signal LED indicator transition

service: script.inovelli_led_zwavejs
  entity: light.office
  LEDcolor: green
  LEDbrightness: 7
  LEDbrightness_off: 3
  duration: 1 second
  effect: Chase
  color: green
  brightness: 7

Automation to listen for a config button press and set everything in the area to "pulse"

This automation listens for a config / 3rd button press, checks in the condition stage that it's an Inovelli device, toggles an input_boolean for the area of the device, then sets or clears an effect on every Inovelli device in the area depending on the new state of the boolean. I use that boolean in other automations to disable lighting controls.

alias: Light Locks
description: ''
  - platform: event
    event_type: zwave_js_value_notification
      value: KeyPressed
      label: Scene 003
  - condition: template
    value_template: >-
      {{ device_attr(trigger.event.data.device_id,'manufacturer') == 'Inovelli' }}
  - service: input_boolean.toggle
    data: {}
      entity_id: >-
        {{ 'input_boolean.' + area_name(trigger.event.data.device_id)|replace( ' ' , '_' )|string|lower + '_in_use' }}
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: >-
              {% set use_boolean = 'input_boolean.' + area_name(trigger.event.data.device_id)|replace( ' ' , '_' )|string|lower + '_in_use' %}
              {{ is_state(use_boolean,'on') }}
         - service: script.inovelli_led_zwavejs
              area: >
                {% set area = namespace(id=[]) %} 
	    {% set area.id = area.id + [area_id(trigger.event.data.device_id) | string] %} 
	    {{ area.id|lower }}
              duration: Forever
              effect: Pulse
              brightness: 4
              color: Orange
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: >-
              {% set use_boolean = 'input_boolean.' + area_name(trigger.event.data.device_id)|replace( ' ' , '_' )|string|lower + '_in_use' %}
              {{ is_state(use_boolean,'off') }}
            - service: script.inovelli_led_zwavejs
              area: >
                {% set area = namespace(id=[]) %} 
	    {% set area.id = area.id + [area_id(trigger.event.data.device_id) | string] %} 
	    {{ area.id|lower }}
    default: []
mode: single


Scripts for setting LED indicators and effects on Inovelli products.