A command palette for your operating system.
Palette holds a list of easy-access commands and when prompted displays a searchable cheat-sheet including the keyboard shortcut each command is bound to.
Palette runs as a daemon (paletted
), and is controlled through palette
which communicates with the daemon through a socket.
The program is designed to also manage your keyboard shortcuts for you by creating its own instance of sxhkd with a generated configuration.
Palette is configured through a YAML file, with each command containing a description, exec string, an optional keybinding, and optional meta keywords:
description: A string describing the command.
exec: The string to execute with `sh -c EXEC_STRING` whenever the command is run.
keybinding [OPTIONAL]: Keybinding for the command. Note that the syntax for this field is identical to sxhkd's keybinding syntax.
meta [OPTIONAL]: Additional invisible search terms for the command.
For an example configuration, see here.
usage: paletted [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-b {none,sxhkd}] [-v] [-V] [--validate] [-s SOCKET]
Daemon process for palette
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Config YAML file path (defaults to "$HOME/.config/palette/palette.yml").
-b {none,sxhkd}, --backend {none,sxhkd}
Backend to use for keybindings management (defaults to "sxhkd")
-v, --version Show version number and exit
-V, --verbose Enable verbose output
--validate Validate configuration file and exit
-s SOCKET, --socket SOCKET
Socket to listen for incoming connections
usage: palette COMMAND
Controls the Palette daemon by communication with it through a socket.
help - Show this help message and exit.
show - Show the command palette.
quit - Ask paletted to suicide.
reload - Reload the configuration YAML file.
If a keybindings backend is running,
the keybindings will also be updated accordingly.
Install from pypi:
sudo pip3 install commandpalette
Build and install from source:
git clone https://github.com/QazmoQwerty/palette
cd palette
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 -m build
sudo python3 -m pip install dist/commandpalette*.whl