QasimTalkin / Sample-W3-code-Repo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Account Setup and Git Basics 123


Refer to the following markdown file for the respective sections of the class:

Lesson Objectives

Learners will understand:

  • What makes for a good programmer
  • What programming languages are and what they are used for
  • How to install the necessary tools needed for a software development environment
  • What Git is and how it works

Learners will be able to:

  • Install the necessary tools needed for a software development environment
  • Navigate through the file system using bash commands
  • Fork, Clone, and Push changes to remote repositories

Lesson Plan

Duration What How or Why
- 5mins Start zoom session So that students can join early and start class on time
10 mins Self studies check-in Prepare 3 questions for students to answer as a form of warm up and engaging students with the lesson topic.
30 mins Conceptual Knowledge Instructors brief students on the subject matter conceptually before diving into hands on. This section can be shorter but not longer. Use video clips for explanation if necessary.
20 mins Code Along Practical hands on
5 mins Break Break
40 mins Code Along Practical hands on
5 mins Buffer In case of overrun
5 mins Break
5 mins Assignment Briefing Help students to understand the expectation and direction of the assignment to prevent mis-interpretations.
