Just a simple wrapper over ratelimit. :)
See a working example here. But here's the idea:
func main() {
const targetRPM int = 100
queue := make(chan (string), 25)
This will create an instance of the ratelimitedworker.
- id: primary identifier for the ratelimiter Job the work is assosiated to
- targetRPM: the expected maximum rate limit to perform at
- hasty: if true maintains a higher RPS good for work() that takes long, false forces rate below the limit.
- verbose: enable logging
rlw := ratelimitedworker.Create("sampleId", targetRPM, true, true)
go queueLoader(queue)
go doLotsOfWork(rlw,queue)
func doLotsOfWork(rlw *ratelimitedworker.RLW, queue chan (string)) {
for range queue {
// this will allow the work() to be called only rlw.targetRPM number of times during a minute
rlw.Track() // if limit is hit for the time period it will block this go routine
go work()