PyHe / anyproxy

A fully configurable proxy in NodeJS, which can handle HTTPS requests perfectly.

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A fully configurable proxy in NodeJS, which can handle HTTPS requests perfectly.

wiki - 代理服务器的新轮子 ,介绍我们为什么要再造一个代理服务器,anyproxy与众不同的结构与功能。

(Chinese in this doc is nothing but translation of some key points. Be relax if you dont understand.)


  • work as http or https proxy
  • fully configurable, you can modify a request at any stage by your own javascript code
  • when working as https proxy, it can generate and intercept https requests for any domain without complaint by browser (after you trust its root CA)
  • a web interface is availabe for you to view request details
  • (beta)a web UI interface for you to replace some remote response with local data



step 1 - install

  • install NodeJS
  • npm install -g anyproxy , may require sudo
  • python is optional, it will be OK if you get some error about it during installing.

step 2 - start server

  • start with default settings : anyproxy
  • start with a specific port: anyproxy --port 8001
  • start with a rule file: anyproxy --rule ./rule_sample/rule_allow_CORS.js

step 3 - launch web interface

Rule module

  • with customized rule module, you may hack an http request at any stage, no matter it's just before sending or after servers' responding.
  • actually ruleFile.js is a module for Nodejs, feel free to invoke your own modules and logic. You may get the entire scheme via rule__blank.js.
  • to invoke your rule file: anyproxy --rule /path/to/ruleFile.js
  • the following figure explains the whole procedure of an http request, and the corresponding functions in rule module

module.exports = {
        return "this is a blank rule for anyproxy";

    //when getting a request from user

    //whether to intercept this request by local logic 
    //if the return value is true, anyproxy will call dealLocalResponse to get response data and will not send request to remote server anymore
    shouldUseLocalResponse : function(req,reqBody){
        return false;

    //you may deal the response locally instead of sending it to server
    //this function be called when shouldUseLocalResponse returns true 
    //e.g. callback(200,{"content-type":"text/html"},"hello world")
    dealLocalResponse : function(req,reqBody,callback){

    //when ready to send a request to server

    //replace the request protocol when sending to the real server
    //protocol : "http" or "https"
        var newProtocol = protocol;
        return newProtocol;

    //req is user's request which will be sent to the proxy server, docs :
    //you may return a customized option to replace the original option
    //you should not write content-length header in options, since anyproxy will handle it for you
    replaceRequestOption : function(req,option){
        var newOption = option;
        return newOption;

    //replace the request body
    replaceRequestData: function(req,data){
        return data;

    //when ready to send the response to user after receiving response from server

    //replace the statusCode before it's sent to the user
    replaceResponseStatusCode: function(req,res,statusCode){
        var newStatusCode = statusCode;
        return newStatusCode;

    //replace the httpHeader before it's sent to the user
    //Here header == res.headers
    replaceResponseHeader: function(req,res,header){
        var newHeader = header;
        return newHeader;

    //replace the response from the server before it's sent to the user
    //you may return either a Buffer or a string
    //serverResData is a Buffer, you may get its content by calling serverResData.toString()
    replaceServerResDataAsync: function(req,res,serverResData,callback){
    //replaceServerResData is deprecated

    //add a pause before sending response to user
    pauseBeforeSendingResponse : function(req,res){
        var timeInMS = 1; //delay all requests for 1ms
        return timeInMS; 

    //https config

    //should intercept https request, or it will be forwarded to real server
    shouldInterceptHttpsReq :function(req){
        return false;


Using https features

step 1 - install openssl

step 2 - generate a rootCA and trust it

  • you should do this when it is the first time to start anyproxy
  • execute sudo anyproxy --root ,follow the instructions on screen
  • *[important!]you will see some tip like rootCA generated at : ~/.anyproxy_certs... . cd to that directory, add/trust the rootCA.crt file to your system keychain. In OSX, you may do that by open the crt file directly
  • when debug https requests, you have to trust this rootCA on all of your clients.

to intercept(decrypt) https requests

  • start your anyproxy as normal. When rootCA is generated, it will intercept all the https requests for you automatically.
  • if you get a warning like 'unsafe connection', please check if the root CA is correctly trusted .

to start an https proxy

  • anyproxy --type https --host
  • the param host is required with https proxy and it should be kept exactly what it it when you config your browser. Otherwise, you may get some warning about security.
  • using https proxy means your request towards proxy will be encrypted. Please notice that this feature has nothing to do with intercept https requests.

about certs

  • root certs and temperary certs are stored at path.join(util.getUserHome(),"/.anyproxy_certs/")
  • to get the rootCA.crt file , you may either find it in local dir or download it via anyproxy web interface
  • to clear all the temperary certificates anyproxy --clear
  • https features may be unstable in windows


to save request data

  • to save request data to local file, use anyproxy --file /path/to/file
  • anyproxy uses nedb to save request data. Since NeDB's persistence uses an append-only format, you may get some redundant record in local file. For those dupplicated ones with the same id, just use the lastest line of record.


  • e.g. throttle to 10kb/s (kbyte/sec) , use anyproxy --throttle 10
  • this is just a rough throttling for downstream, not for network simulation

work as a module for nodejs

npm install anyproxy --save
var proxy = require("anyproxy");

//create cert when you want to use https features
//please manually trust this rootCA when it is the first time you run it
!proxy.isRootCAFileExists() && proxy.generateRootCA(); 

var options = {
    type          : "http",
    port          : 8001,
    hostname      : "localhost",
    rule          : require("path/to/my/ruleModule.js"),
    dbFile        : null,  // optional, save request data to a specified file, will use in-memory db if not specified
    webPort       : 8002,  // optional, port for web interface
    socketPort    : 8003,  // optional, internal port for web socket, replace this when it is conflict with your own service
    webConfigPort : 8088,  // optional, internal port for web config(beta), replace this when it is conflict with your own service
    throttle      : 10,    // optional, speed limit in kb/s 
    disableWebInterface : false //optional, set it when you don't want to use the web interface
new proxy.proxyServer(options);


  • anyproxy用户旺旺群:1203077233
  • Please feel free to raise any issue about this project, or give us some advice on this doc. :)


A fully configurable proxy in NodeJS, which can handle HTTPS requests perfectly.


Language:JavaScript 89.7%Language:CSS 7.9%Language:Shell 2.4%