PyDL / pyflct

Python wrapper for FLCT in C and IDL

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


07 December 2017 - Jiajia Liu, SP2RC, University of Sheffield

Update 19 September 2018

Fisher & Welsch updated FLCT to 1.06, while the original FLCT version I used was 1.04. A new function of "bias correction" has been implemented in the new version by Fisher & Welsch.

A preliminary test of mine shows that:

  • Velocity field resulted from 1.06 has no difference with that from 1.04
  • If the "bias correction" is turned on, exactly the same swirls will be detected by ASDA. But the rotating and expanding/shrinking speed of the detected swirls would in average increase by around 30%.
  • More test will be made in the future.


Python wrapper for FLCT code written in C from Fisher & Welsch 2008. You can download the original C code from the following link:

Before a proper run of this program, you need first install the FLCT libraries. Extract the downloaded C source files, go to the fold. Then check source/README-install.txt and Makefile to find out how to install the FLCT libraries properly.


     data1 - image data at time T
     data2 - image data at time T+dT
     deltat - time difference between two images
     deltas - pixel size of each image, units of velocities will be
              based on deltas/deltat
     sigma - pixel width of the Gausian filter. Default is 10 according
             to [Louis et al. 2015, Solar Phys. 290, 1135], which found
             the optimal value of sigma for their simulated intensity
             map ranges from 10 to 15. If sigma is set to 0, only the
             overall correlation between two input images will be
     infile - name of file which will be generated storing data1 and data2
     outfile - name of file which stores the FLCT velocity field
     thresh - Do not compute the velocity at a given pixel if the average
              absolute value between the 2 images at that location is less
              than thresh.
     kr - from 0 to 1. Perform gaussian, low pass filtering on the
          sub-images that are used to construct the cross-correlation
          function. The value of kr is expressed in units of the maximum
          wavenumber (Nyquist frequency) in each direction of the
          sub-image. This option is most useful when the images contain
          significant amounts of uncorrelated, pixel-to-pixel noise-like
          structure. Empirically, values of kr in the range of 0.2 to 0.5
          seem to be most useful, with lower values resulting in stronger
     skip - if is not None, the program will only compute the velocity
            every N pixels in both the x and y direction, where N is
            the value of skip.
     xoff, yoff - only valid when skip is not None. xoff and yoff
                  are the offset in x and y direction where the compuation
     interp - only valid when skip is not None. If true, interpolation
              at pixels skipped will be done.
     pc - If set, then the input images are assumed to be in Plate Carree
          coordinates (uniformly spaced in longitude and latitude). This
          is useful when e.g. input images are SHARP magnetic field data.
     bc - If set, bias correction will be turned on (new feature in 1.06)
     latmin, latmax - minimum and maximum latitude. Only valid if pc is
                      set. In units of radian.
     quiet - If set, no non-error output will be shown.


     a tupe in form of (vx, vy, vm)
     where, vx is the velocity field in x direction;
            vy is the velocity field in y direction;
            vm is the velocity field mask. Pixels with vm value of 0 have
                not been included when calculating the velocity field.
                Pixels with vm value of 0.5 have interpolated velocity


Python wrapper for FLCT in C and IDL

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:C 73.0%Language:IDL 11.8%Language:Roff 7.2%Language:Python 6.6%Language:Makefile 1.4%